Saturday, June 29, 2019

The End Is Here - So Take Cover

“A war involving Gog and Magog would basically trigger the apocalypse. Because the Bible was not precise in its predictions, Magog could be anyone or anything: Satan, Muslims, even (for Chirac, French President during th such Administration) a poorly executed soufflé.

Bush, however, had a much more precise interpretation in mind: Saddam Hussein was Gog, and the call had gone out to rally the forces of good for a grand showdown. Chirac, who confirmed the story in 2009, was taken aback at Bush’s religious fanaticism.

A number of U.S. officials around Bush, including diplomat Kurt Volker, have strenuously denied the story. But even if Bush himself didn’t indulge in such millenarian fantasies, there were plenty of evangelicals in his circles who did have an impact on U.S. foreign policy. Over the years, Washington has identified plenty of Magogs and set out to topple nearly as many Gogs, always with the certainty of having “God on our side.”

The tension with Iran and the potential for war breaking out in the gulf, the rumors of war have stirred discussions about the coming Armageddon. Interestingly enough, the new TV series “Good Omen” is about a demon and an angel who have been on earth for so long that they like it. Armageddon is about to take place and they set out to do whatever it takes to keep it from happening. Are these signs of the coming apocalypse? Jesus did say, “(ESV) 31 So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near” Luke 21:31. 

Of course, he also said, “(ESV) But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33 Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come” Mark 13:32,33.  So how do you make sense of these events, and Jesus’ two statements? This fall I m going to preach through Daniel/Revelation and will attempt to answer a lot of questions.

The point of this passage is not the future, but the present. We know something is coming, therefore make sure that your life is in line with God’s will. It’s not scare tactics, but a reality that Christians often ignore. It’s too hard to keep it all straight. Not to worry, there are people who have studied these things, and whether now or in the future the end will come. For now, what are you doing to build the Kingdom. I’m just saying....

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Beautiful Feet and Stubbed Toes

Parable of the sower: rocky soil, thorny soil, soil on the path, and good soil. When sharing the good news of Jesus, we are casting the seeds of God’s Word on one of these types of soil. Of course, we all wish the soil we are working with is good, but most of the time that is not the case. In my hard, I’ve been trying to plant grass seed where a trench was dug. When it was first shoveled and the the ground was wet it look good, and the prospect of heathy grass seed growing was high. Then the sun came up, days without rain and the once soft soil grew hard. There was more clay in the ground than good, rich topsoil. So far no grass has grown. Yet, the thorns and weeds seem to pop up without effort. Thank you Adam.

The equivalent of working with clay, is your beautiful feet in pain with stubbed toes. Appendages, black and blue from bumping up against rocky soil. If this happens too often it’s easy to find reasons to keep your feet out of harms way. Stubbed toes hurt, and so does rejection, even if that rejection is against the gospel. So what is the remedy to bruised and sore feet.

“(ESV) I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 2:6,7

“(ESV) As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” 2 Tim. 4:5.

“(ESV) And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Gal.6. 9-10

In my case it is about cultivating the ground of my brothers heart. The first thing Rebecca asked after I told her about the trip, “what is you plan?” Plan, wasn’t going down to Florida enough? How much do I care? So, my plan is to call my brothers once a month, and once a quarter email or message them the gospel, in different and creative ways. 

I spent a week stubbing my toes, but being refreshed among my family is far better than a pedicure. Thanks, all of you. I’m just saying...

Saturday, June 22, 2019


The smell of cinnamon rolls in the oven, a familiar song playing in the background, children laughing as they run through the house, the dog looking longingly for a small table scrap, and a long embrace after a tiring trip. These are the moments of home. The sweet taste of love that draws you back when you tire of the world’s adventures. Home, not a house, not a place, but people who fill your days with joy.

Not everyone is blessed with such a place, but for those of us who are, we have experienced a slice of heaven on earth. We also have a responsibility to extend an invitation to those without such a place, to join a larger family, where they can find rest, and experience family the way God intended. It is no accident that the church is referred to as the family of God. It’s not just about structure and headship but loyalty and love. Family fight with each and for each other. They are ready to lend a hand and have your back. The family of God isn’t perfect, but it is deep and meaningful, reaching out to give a hug when despair seeks to overwhelm the strongest and weakest among us. 

Home is the resting place after a long journey, an embrace that says welcome back you were missed, a kiss that lingers longer than usual, and a place of safety in the midst of a cruel world. Today I am going home, and there is not other place I would rather be. I’m just saying.

Friday, June 21, 2019

The Necessity Of Tearing Down Walls

“There are four kinds of people in the world: those who build walls, those who protect walls, those who breach walls, and those who tear down walls.” Anonymous.

Christians should be in the demolition business. But tearing down a wall is difficult, depending on what materials were used to build the wall. Walls can be built with anger, depression, obsession, grief, jealousy, emptiness, self-righteousness, lies, and the list goes on. But why should we attempt the destruction of walls? Don’t walls keep those who have been hurt safe? Yes, but safety isn’t the goal, healing is. In Christ we are to demolish strongholds that keep people from experiencing the life transformation of the gospel. God demolished the wall between Jews and Gentiles, between man and himself. The wall of sin that separated us from God is the worse wall of them all, but God demolished that wall himself, through the blood of his son, Jesus (Ephesians 2:14-16). The opportunity for all of humanity lies behind the rubble

But the secondary walls still stand and each generation has to deal with their own issue, their own mortar. The types of walls that people build are easily identifiable as you engage them. If it is anger it spills out over everything, because angry people are angry about everything. This is the wall I’ve faced this week. It has been expressed, not at me or my message specifically, but in politics, with spouses, with children and grandchildren. When opportunities present themselves to speak truth, the anger spews and shuts down everything in its path.

Our weapons are of a spiritual nature; of divine power. With it we cast down the lofty walls of speculations and opinions, specifically ones against Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-6). Speaking the truth in love is our aim, the problem is that the target keeps moving and raging.  My hope is not in my ability to convince, but in the power of God to enlighten minds and open hearts. I’m just saying.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

When Dirty Feet Become Beautiful

One of the things I love about our family at St. John is the multiplicity of gifting and talents. None of us is alike and that adds to the colorful tapestry of SJM. In 1 Corinthians 12:19, the Apostle says, “(ESV) 19 If all were a single member, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.” So, it is presumptive to think that everyone should do the same things, or at least do them to the same ability.  Not everyone has the first of giving, but everyone should give. Not everyone has the gift of hospitality, but we should all be hospitable. Not everyone has the gift of evangelism, but we should share our story with someone. That’s what it means to have beautiful feet.

Beautiful feet isn’t about having the right words, the most interesting story, or exciting conversion experience. It’s being ready in season and out of season to give a reason for the hope within you. Can you express that hope? Do you have that hope? During life’s struggles and hardships do you hold on to the hope of Christ in you? It’s not about having everything together or knowing everything. It’s about the inexplicable confidence of knowing that you have eternal life, and that the truth of the gospel is transformative.

I was recently told that I have a certainty about what I believe. The person didn’t mean it as a compliment. They saw it as narrow minded and exclusive. They see my life as “perfect”, but that I hide underneath a façade of religiosity, instead of being “real”.  Yet, when I shared with them a struggle, they didn’t want to hear about it. On the one hand they reveled in the stability that my faith brings, but on the other hand wanted to feel the comfort of fellow humans who struggle in pain, pain like theirs. In a real sense, as believers, we can’t win. As followers of Jesus we are to exude unrelenting love and moral consistency, and at the same time to be open and honest about our struggles and accepting of all things. It’s enough to drive you to the hills and live as a monk, or at least to my man cave.

Beautiful feet are dirty and bruised, battered and scuffed. Their beauty isn’t outward, rather the rugged attraction of the cross, dying daily to self in order to carry good news to people who don’t want it, reject it, despise it, but desperately need it. Our freedom is that the responsibility to open hearts and minds belongs to God, we are to be available to explain the good news of Jesus when the opportunity arises. That means we need to be available, faithful, and willing.

I’m trying to have beautiful feet, but the world keeps wanting to step on my feet. Lord give us strength. I’m just saying.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

When Defense Is Not The Best Offense

Watching an interview, the football coach went on to say that “the best offense is a good defense.” I reflected on that and wondered if that was just an excuse for a poor offense. If your quarter back can’t get you touchdowns, then you  better have a great defense who can keep the other team at bay. It works. I’ve seen teams with great defenses do more than move the momentum, they make touchdowns and win games. 

But that is different than being defensive. Defensiveness is often a reaction to offensiveness, especially when it comes to having an impact on other people’s lives. If you are sitting with your friend, and they say something to you that is offensive, or you feel is a personal attack, the natural reaction is to be defensive, to protect your pride or self image, and you either withdraw or retaliate. Personally, I am not a retreat kind of guy, and one not to surfer fools gladly. 

A young (23) family member asked a penetrating question, and didn’t like my answer. She accused me of being religiously intolerant, unsympathetic, narrow minded, and hypocritical. All at the same time telling me she loved me, would never judge me, and that she is totally misunderstood. The multiple drinks probably didn’t help (her not me). Sad to say that I became defensive and in the end pointed out her inconsistencies, to which she spoke some select explicatives. Her step mother, who listened to the exchange, scolded her for the choice phrases. I backed off and apologized for getting defensive, and she got up and went to bed. 

Defensiveness is not the best strategy for offensiveness. I’m not sure that anything I would have said could have penetrated her inebriation or satisfy her question, but love is always the right motivation, even when speaking the truth. 

“15 Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ...” Ephesians 4:15

“In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:4,5

This morning is a new day, and I pray that God will help me to be patient, speak wisely, love deeply, and proclaim him boldly. May the only offense be the cross of Christ and the hope he hold out for all of us. I’m just saying...

Getting Old Stinks, So I’ve Made A Decision

I woke up this morning, put my feet on the floor and sharp pain shot through them. It happens most mornings, until I walk a little and they get used to my weight again. This morning my fingers decided to sympathize with my feet and every knuckle hurt. I proceeded to crack them and gain some relief. Add on top of that the residual effect of my back surger (though much better) still nags me on occasion. Then it happened and I had an epiphany, I looked in the mirror and there was the answer, I have grown old. 

Overall I feel pretty good, but there are those moments when reality sets in, I can’t run as fast or lift as much. I have to accept the reality and face my limitations. That doesn’t mean I should give up on becoming healthier, it just means gravity has taken its toll and the curse is having its effect.

GETTING OLD STINKS, SO I’VE MADE A DECISION. I’m not going to do it again. That’s right, once is enough, and when this mortal puts on immortality, I’m not looking back. In the meantime I am going cling to Proverbs,

31 Gray hair is a crown of glory;
it is gained in a righteous life.” Proverbs 16:31

29 The glory of young men is their strength,
but the splendor of old men is their gray hair.” Proverbs 20:29

Gray hair and old age brings about wisdom and blessing for those who follow Christ. My prayer is that what I have learned I can pass on to a younger generation, not out of pride, but so that they can by-pass some of the pitfalls I have experienced. I will not obsess over youth lost, but glory in God’s gift of new life, a recreation, a new body, and eternal glory. All this is gained by passing through the portal of age. Like one sign said. “Old age is God’s way of weaning us from this life.” Enjoy it while you have it, youth vanishes, and old age comes to us all. I’m not going to do it again, but I will enjoy it while I’m passing through. I’m just saying. 

Friday, June 14, 2019

This Is My Story and I’m Sticking to It!

It’s the 39th anniversary of our wedding. Stop it, I’m not soliciting congratulations. It’s just a time to reflect on God’s goodness through the years. What are we doing, sitting at the the Marathon theatre getting ready to watch “Hitchhiking across America.” No idea what a cabaret is, but I am going to find out. It’s stories, and that is what attracted us. Thinking of our own story, and we have lots of them, some good and some challenging.

Good stories aren’t perfect, they are full of twists and turns, ups and downs, joy and tragedy. Ours isn’t any different, and that’s what makes it so good. Especially since God has sweetened it with His presence. I would hate to think what our story would be like without Jesus.  Growing old isn’t fun, and I don’t plan on doing it again, but if I had to, I wouldn’t want to do it with anyone else but Rebecca. 39 years and our story isn’t over. In fact the best is yet to come. I’ just saying... 

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Ignite the Fire, forge ahead to a better life

Over the past two days I have been helping out the Ignite Day camp St. John puts on for 3rd -6th graders each year. Our children’s Directors are very creative and keep the kids moving all day. This year I was asked to forge something with the boys. The project isn’t that difficult, or so I thought going into it. A small cube of metal, a wooden handle, some sanding and filing, wallah, Thor’s Hammer. Now before you start judging, it’s a culturally relevant comic and movie character. Plus it was the simplest project I could come up with, or so I thought. 

Drilling holes into metal isn’t easy, and I have burned out two sets of cobalt drills bits so far. Add to that not having enough supplies (more boys than I thought), I’ve spent an enormous amount of time running back and forth to the store. On top of all of that, I didn’t take into account age ability, tool experience, and hard work ethic. (I work in my sermon in the evenings).

Most could do less then I expected. It was necessary to adjust my game plan a couple of times, all and all the boys seem to enjoy it. One last group tomorrow. I have to run to the store tomorrow and get another dowel, and then drill more holes.

How appropriate, then, my devotional. I shared that forging is about shaping metal, and the harder the metal, the hotter the fire has to be to make it pliable. You see where I’m going with this? God uses all sorts of circumstances to heat up our lives so that he can shape us into the imagine of His son. The harder the heart, the hotter the circumstances. Our loving Heavenly Father will use a pretty hot fire if it means getting someone’s attention. James 1 says, “consider it all joy, my brothers, when facing various kinds of trials, because God is turning up the heat in order to shape your life and build in you godly character,” (my paraphrase). Don’t complain when difficulties come your way. Ask how God is using it to shape you into the person he wants you to be. I’m just saying…

Monday, June 3, 2019

The Immeasurable Greatness Of God

"what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe," Eph.1.19.ESV

What is the immeasurable greatness of God's power toward us? It is his power that delivers, brings riches of heaven, administers justice, crushes his enemies, heals, and helps. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation and his power raised Jesus from the dead. 

The power of God toward us is all these and more. The power of God takes what is crumpled and old, torn and discarded, and makes it new. It shapes history so that the end will be glorious and this moments pain temporary.

The greatest thing about God's power is that he has chosen to use it for our good! For those who believe his power is a refuge and a safe harbor. The great God of the universe surrounds us with his power and we are safe.

"Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all." I’m just saying...