Monday, May 27, 2019

What I Should Have Said

Jesus is the Answer and Mental Health 

“Simple Answers Are The Most Profound, Not Easy.” There is nothing easy about simple answers. Let me give an example. “(ESV) The Lord is at hand; 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6,7. 

Often we find ourselves in situations that cause us to be anxious. Paul said that we are to cast those worries at the feet of Jesus, and by doing so he will give us peace and guard our hearts. That is a simple and profound answer to anxiety, but it is not easy on two levels. First, we love to worry. We will always find something to worry about, whether it is an illness, children, work, relationships or church we can complain about everything under the sun, which creates anxiety. It’s not easy to give up something we love. Paul continues, after verse 7,  to think on honorable things, beautiful things. Peace comes when we stop complaining and stop focusing on the negative. Instead, we need to focus on our identity in Christ, what he has given us, the blessings that are ours in Him, and our hope of eternity in Christ. 

The second level has to do with chronic anxiety, chemical imbalance, or behavior disorders. Though the above answer to anxiety holds true for these situations as well, the added component of mental health complicates the issue. Anxiety as a mental health issue helps us understand the complexity of our mental state. For people who suffer from a chemical imbalance, medication helps them to see and think clearly. But there are underlying triggers that if not dealt with will fight against recovery. Triggers such as a poor identity in Christ, a loss of hope, or deep meaningless in life, if not corrected will increase anxiety.  But with proper medication and a disciplined mind focusing on Truth, our minds can be transformed. 

So, for our brothers and sisters who wrestle with chronic anxiety, depression, or any other mental disorder, let’s remind them they are loved, even at their worst. Don’t assume everything is alright when they say it is, often their facial expression or body language says differently. Also, share scripture. There is nothing more powerful than to hear God’s word.

Simple? Yes. Easy? No. I’m just saying.

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