Saturday, May 4, 2019


Power washing in the rain seems oxymoronic. But it had to be done, and a friend graciously let me borrow his washer. The problem with borrowing someone’s tools is when they don’t work. I couldn’t get it to sustain a steady spray. The water tickled and then it burst out for just a second and there a trickle. Of course, my phone went out and I couldn’t call my friend for help; emailed instead. Oh, the snail’s pace email. By the time he saw his email and responded I was able to get it going, or rather it was a miracle because it just started working — and did it work. I didn’t realize how filthy my sidewalks were.  Is the glimmer in the moonlight. 

Something about any tool that has the words “power” in front of it — power hammer, power, drill, power washer. Makes you want to grunt. It’s a good thing I have my own well because I could have afforded the amount of water that went through the washer, and the power part, well. Let’s just say that the only thing that fought the 2500 psi stream was the spiderweb. We all know about Spidey strength. Dirt, grime, and algae were washed away in its stream.
It reminded me of Pentecost. Imagine praying for God to send you something. You’re not really sure what it is, but Jesus said it would be a helper, the Holy Spirit. You in a circle reading Old Testament passages where the Spirit came in prophets with power, and your heart beats a little faster, and then it happened,

“2 And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Acts 2.

Like a power washer going off in your head, mighty wind of the Spirit, and the people around them were amazed as they heard the Galileans speaking their own languages. God was getting the attention of these devout men. They knew something was happening and they didn’t want to miss out. Of course, there were mockers, there always are, but the multitudes who would respond to the gospel’s call was unprecedented. 

Are we waiting and looking for something greater, or are we self-absorbed with small expectations of what God can do? There is a time for power washing your patio, and then there is the rushing of a mighty wind I know which one I would rather experience. I’m just saying… 

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