Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Saga Continues (Shed Raising)

I know I said the last blog was the end to the shed story but is it ever really. I woke this morning to dark clouds on the horizon, and all I could think of was the incomplete roof. What could a little rain do to such a sturdy structure? I went outside and the air was thick and warm. I put a few things in the shed for safe keeping a headed for my car (a morning meeting). No sooner then I put my foot in the car a raindrop fell, then another, and another until it was torrential. The wind blew, 50 mph and a shingle flapped against the shed roof. 

Fortunately, I couldn’t see out the back window, for all the rain. The sight of what the wind was doing to my poor shed was too much to bear. I turned out of the driveway and to my right I could see something through the wall of water, a black specter flapping after me. Whatever has blown off the roof would have to wait, and I didn’t want to think about it.

Storms test the quality of our work. I think of that in relation to God. “(ESV) For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10. We are the product of God’s work. Those who believe are filled with His Spirit, given the blessings of heaven, and the strength to live for Christ. If He is truly in you (Christ in you the hope of glory), then you will weather the storms of life. Anything that blows off or falls down are the parts of our lives we don’t let the Spirit recreate. What we do in the flesh will be like building on shifting ground, it won’t stand.

The master craftsman is always concerned with the details. He takes care to fasten the little things because he knows that is where the wind or rain will make its way in. In our lives the little things are important. What’s the old children’s song, “careful little eyes what you see, careful little hands what you do, careful little feet where you go, for the father up above is looking down in love, careful little one what you do.” Live according to the plan of our Heavenly Father, and in the storms of life, you can find shelter and peace. I’m just saying.

After breakfast, I will go home and see the damage is. 

(I went home before after breakfast and only some tar paper blew off)

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