Friday, May 3, 2019

Relaxed and without a care in the world

Porthos has it made, though he may not think so. Every time I pass through the house he is grabbing my hand wanting me to go out and play. With all this rain I would rather not get all wet just so he could go out and chase the frisbee a couple of times. But he is insistent and eventually I will give in, tromp through the wet grass, throw his frisbee and watch him chase it down with enthusiasm. That is until he no longer wants to, then he grabs my arm and wants to wrestle, which I never do. Now it is 1 am and he has kicked back for the evening and has doned his “I have no care in the world” posture. 

Jesus tells a parable of a certain woman who intreated a certain judge for justice. The judge feared neither God nor man, and would not hear her case. She wouldn’t have any of it and continually came back to the judge to see justice done. The judge had enough and said, “though I neither fear God nor respect man, yet because this woman keeps bothering me, I will give her justice, so that she will not beat me down by her continual coming.” Jesus said, “will not God give justice to his elect, those who he has called.”

Throughout the world, Christians are suffering from persecution and injustice. They cry, day and night, to God for deliverance and He seems to be silent, but he’s not. Their persistence has not gone unnoticed, their cries unheard. Jesus said this, “Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” When Jesus returns he will bring justice down in those who have persecuted his bride. He will not let evil go unpunished.

Do not think your prayers are unheard. In His sovereign time, God will bring you justice, he will bring you healing, he will bring you home. That’s when I will kickback for eternity and take on the posture of, “I have no care in the world.” I’m just saying.

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