Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Some People Love Jesus Too Much

Now that you have read the title, I am sure you have formulated an opinion. Can you love Jesus too much? It depends on what you mean by too much. We can never love others in the name of Jesus too much, care for elderly or sick too much, stand up for the oppressed too much, or reach out to the lost too much. We can’t pursue Christ too much, pray too much, seek Jesus in his word too much, or serve in His name too much. So how can we love Jesus too much?

”Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and not do what I tell you?” Like 6:46

(ESV) ”Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”Matthew 7:21

There are a lot of people who use the name of the Lord, but it is for selfish gain. My son showed me a tweeter he follows called, ”Preachers and Sneakers”. Pictures of preachers wearing outrageously expensive shoes and other clothing while preaching the gospel. They are examples of prosperity theology and the use of God for personal gain. But you don’t have to buy expensive shoes to fall into this trap. American evangelicals spend a lot of money on clothing, vacations, sports, and hobbies. And though there is nothing wrong with these endeavors, to do them to the exclusion of investing in God’s work is to walk hand in hand with the prosperity theologian.

You can’t love the Lord Jesus too much, but it is possible to love yourself too much. I’m just saying…

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