Wednesday, April 3, 2019

What I Should Have Said

I have seen my share of the devil’s work among churches. He likes to nudge us into conflict, arguments, and division. What better way to sideline us from the work of the gospel. Our hope is expressed by John in his epistle, “For this reason Jesus appeared, to destroy the works of the devil.” We have a choice, to practice righteousness or to practice unrighteousness. I think it is good for each of us to stop and reflect on our church involvement. Has it been a passionate desire to proclaim the gospel and see people’s lives transformed, or have we settled for a “This is good enough for me” Christianity. The second leads to disgruntled family members when things do t go their way. The first rises above the fray and sets aside personal ambition for the cause of Christ. 

Honestly, I have found myself sliding by on occasion. It’s easy to get into ruts and coast on the good intentions of others. But I want to be more than that. I want my life to count. If the devil’s work has been destroyed, then I can step boldly into the unknown, trusting that what Jesus has in store for us is more than we can imagine. Instead of self-indulgent bickering, we look for common ground and press in to take hold that which is ours in Christ.

It has been good to be in a family (SJM) that has not fallen prey to these works of the devil. We have come a long way and have a long way to go before we are complete, but I believe our Father is pleased with our little family. As long as we trust in the Lord, our way will be made plain, and our path straight. Don’t be deceived; the devil isn’t complacent. We must be watchful and alert so that we will not fall prey to his schemes. I am just thankful that you have my back. I’m just saying.

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