Wednesday, April 3, 2019

I have the MAN Flu

It’s official; I have man flu. I woke up this morning with a101.4 temperature. Influenza causes temperatures to fluctuate between 102 and 106 at its extreme. The man flu is much worse because a slight rise in temperature can cause a man to tailspin. So, 101.4, I might as well be on my deathbed. Ache, hot and cold, coughing, and only an appetite for...the another day it was donuts. Just think how rough today is going to be.

Fortunately for me, I have a loving wife, unfortunately for me, she hasn’t felt well either. I tested the level of care I would receive by asking where the thermometer was, and when she told me where to find it, I knew I was on my own. That’s not true; she has been very attentive. To understand the man flu is to understand my dilemma.

Men like to come across as strong, but it doesn’t take much for him to give in to difficulty and depend on women. Look at Adam and Eve in the garden, or Abraham and Sarah. Samson and Delilah is a prime example as well as Debrah and the Men of Israel. Solomon was led astray by women, and Jezebel, well, she was her own kind of evil. This isn’t to say Thant women are evil, but that men can be weak at the worst, and indifferent at best. Indifference is when they don’t care about their responsibilities and give them over to woman willingly, and they complain when it doesn’t turn out the way they intended.

I like this passage out 1 Corinthians 16:13, “13 Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. 14 Let all that you do be done in love.” The Apostle is telling the men to stop being wimps, but taking responsibility. So, act like men and be strong. But their strength doesn’t lead to domination, but to love. True manly strength takes his responsibility seriously and cares for those under his charge, not for his own gain, but the welfare of others.

Yes, I may have the man flu, but I need to man up and take care of Rebecca as well. I’m just saying.

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