Thursday, April 11, 2019

National Sibling Day, YAY!

Yesterday, April 10, was national siblings day. The holiday is appropriate for my ”What I should have said” blog this week since we discussed Cain and Able on Sunday. And since most of us have siblings, it would be good to talk a walk down memory lane.

My youngest memory was kindergarten and my brothers, and I entered into a paper hat contest. I was going to win the largest hat. I wore it over my body like a tent. Walking to the park the wind, picked up and eventually ripped my hat to shreds. I was devastated, and my brothers took advantage of the situation and took my place and winning my ribbon.

In the third grade, my brother was going to a friend’s house, and I was tagging along. He kept walking faster, but I hurried to keep pace. Be finally gifted, turned around and said, ”leave me alone and find your own friends.”  It was all I could do to keep the tears back.

In 7th and 8th grade they liked chasing me down and hitting me in the arm. I called the game, ”ultimate tag.” in the 9th grade they finally left me alone, though my oldest brother rode my horse to death.

Sibling relationships can be complicated. Cain and Able, Joseph and his brothers, Jacob and Esau, Isaac and Ishmael all argued over who was better than the other. I get their angst. Of course, my memories are colored, the stories embellished, and the good times hidden beneath the rubble. Yet, it was my sibling relationships that revealed the spiritual hole in my heart. 

When I came into contact with the gospel, I couldn’t help but accept such a wonderful gift. My new brothers and sisters were beyond my comprehension. They loved me for no other reason except for the Love of Jesus. So, for national siblings day (a day late), here is a shout out to all my all brothers and sisters in Christ. I love you all and thank you for loving me. I’m just saying…

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