Wednesday, July 3, 2019

No Cockroaches In Heaven

I hate cockroaches. In Houston they grow as big as a bus, or at least they seem that big. Some friends from Wisconsin visited us, they had never seen cockroaches so big. We went for a walk right about dusk, and stopped at a manhole cover. Sure enough, little antini started poking out through the holes. I stomped my foot and predictably most of them retreated, but there were a few that ran straight for us. Made my friend squeal. No one likes cockroaches, unless you’re a researcher.

An article this morning highlighted research into robo roaches. Scientists have figured out how to attach electronics to the back of roaches and control their behavior. Their hope is that by attaching cameras, the robo roaches can get beneath rubble and help in search and rescue. Though, if I were laying under said rubble, and a cockroach approached my face and spoke to me, I would pass out if not have a heart attack. 

The other part of the story was the increased resistance of roaches to insecticides. They have become immune to most of the poison cocktails that professionals use to kill them, and they pass on that immunity to their offspring. With a typical female producing 2 to 300 new roaches in their short lifetime, the planet will be overrun by these silent monsters in no time. Good lesson in multiplication. The myth is that even a nuclear holacost would not kill them. Myth busters destroyed that myth saying, “Roaches can last longer in the radiation, but would eventually succumb to its deadly affects. And even if the were resistance to the radiation, the initial heat blast would incenerate them.”

So what kind of spiritual application is there for roaches? Here it is, “(ESV) 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed” 2nd Peter 3:10. So there you have it. Our hope is the little critters will burn up with the rest of Creation, and we won’t have to endure them in heaven. Unless one or two of them slips into a suitcase at the rapture. I’m just saying...

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