Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Hell’s Not For Me

Jesus said to the sheep, “enter into the inheritance prepared for you from the foundations of the world.” To the goats he said, “Go away, you who are dedicated to destruction, to the place prepared for the devil and his angels, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

I am intrigued by this passage because it gives us a glimpse of God’s original intent. I lean toward Calvinism (God choses those who will believe), and it is passages like this one that keep me from leaning all the way. If God had chosen them for destruction, would he not have also prepared a place for them? Unless he felt that the place prepared for the devil and his angels was sufficient, and there was no need for another place of horrific, eternal torment. I guess I answered my own question. But if that’s the case wouldn’t heaven, where the angels dwell with God, be sufficient for believers? Why create a whole new creation for believers, unless that was God’s intent all along, for all of his creation to inherit the coming kingdom. 

That begs the question, “didn’t God know about all of this ahead of time?” Thus the age old question elect or free will? It’s enough to blow your mind. So, the only thing to do is to hold tightly to what we know and loosely to what we don’t know. What do we know?

1. Humans live under God’s Judgement 
2. Jesus went to prepare a place for us.
3. That place was under construction since the foundation of the World.
4. Those who believe in Jesus’ sacrifice for their sins will inherit this new place.
5. Those who do not believe will be separated from God.
6. The place of separation is called the lake of fire, and has been prepared fo the devil and his angels.

It is a blessing to know that God thought enough of us to prepare a place where the sufferings of this life will dissipate into the new creation and sufering. Thank you Jesus, hell’s not for me.

              I’M MUST SAYING 

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