Wednesday, July 17, 2019

At The Cross At The Cross Where I First Saw The Light

At The Cross At The Cross 

Where I First Saw The Light, 

and the burdens of my life rolled away. 

It was their, by faith, that I received my sight, 

and now I’m at peace every day.

Why the cross? The cross stands as a reminder that sin is rebellion against God. The cross stands as a reminder that sin corrupts and corrupts completely. The cross stands as a reminder that the promises of the world are empty and worthless. The cross stands as a reminder that the only way to irraticate sin is by sacrifice. The cross stands as a reminder that believers are to take it up daily and walk the road Jesus walked. The cross stands as a reminder that God offers forgiveness to those who believe. The cross stands as a reminder that sin is real, terrible, confrontational, and separates man from God.

The world would never have picked the cross as a remedy for sin. It would have clung to works of the law and imperfect sacrifices. The world would substitute the horror of the cross and its devastation for an easy path; a gentler way.   But the way of the cross is putting self last, forgiving your enemies, doing good to those who persecute you, and living a life of peace, while reaching lost for Christ. 

So, have you given your life over to Jesus? If you have I would love to read your story (email me at If you haven’t, then this is a great opportunity for you, a defining moment where you can go from the old way of life to the new (I would love to hear your story as well, The greatest joy is t see God’s people grow in their love for one another and for their Heavenly Father. I’m just saying...

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