Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Proliferation Of Resurrection Myths

What do Tammuz, Osirus, Dionysus, Adonis, Attis, and Ba’al have in common? They all are used as examples that Jesus’ death and resurrection was merely another myth created and perpetuate by men. The argument goes as follows:

“All these gods came from regions that were close enough to the crossroads of Israel (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Asia Minor) for the ideas to have plausibly made it there, were worshipped well before the time of Jesus, and were of the dying-and-rising sort. This is strong evidence either that the gospel writers knew of (and could have been influenced by) resurrecting god stories from other cultures or that these stories influenced the Jesus story when it was told from person to person.” Bob Seidensticker

In other words, “Jesus’ story can’t be true”. I won’t rehearse here the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus, but, If, however, Jesus was resurrected from the dead then how, and why do these other stories exist? C.S. Lewis, who said, “The story of Christ is simply a true myth; a myth working on us in the same way as the others, but with this tremendous difference, that it really happened, and one must be content to accept it in the same way, remembering that it is God’s Myth where the others are men’s myths.” By using the term myth, C.S. Lewis has laid himself open for criticism.

“So you admit that the Jesus story indeed has many characteristics of mythology but demand that I just trust you that it’s true? Sorry, I need more evidence than that.” Bob Seidensticker 

Forget about the abundant historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus, C.S. Lewis uses the term myth in a technical way:

Marian Webster Dictionary, Definition of myth
1a : a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon.

This definition explains Lewis’ use in regard to different religions. Stories of a resurrection have existed from the beginning of time because the scripture says that God had prepared a remedy for sin since before the foundations of creation. Like the idea of God, or of sin, the resurrection story has been warped by people groups through time and sin. When in the course of time Jesus came to become the propitiation of our sin and to be resurrected from the dead, the true nature of resurrection was revealed for all to see. The power of God was on display.

People will use all kinds of reasons to dismiss the resurrection. That was true in Jesus day. “23 The same day Sadducees came to him, who say that there is no resurrection, and they asked him a question, 24 saying, “Teacher, Moses said, If a man dies having no children, his brother must marry the widow and raise up offspring for his brother.’ 25 Now there were seven brothers among us. The first married and died, and having no offspring left his wife to his brother. 26 So too the second and third, down to the seventh. 27 After them all, the woman died. 28 In the resurrection, therefore, of the seven, whose wife will she be? For they all had her.” 29 But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.” Matthew 21. 

The gospel is the power of God for salvation, the resurrection is the power of God over sin and death. Doubt and disbelief will persist. For us who believe it is life, for those who disbelieve it is death. I’m just saying…

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

At The Cross At The Cross Where I First Saw The Light

At The Cross At The Cross 

Where I First Saw The Light, 

and the burdens of my life rolled away. 

It was their, by faith, that I received my sight, 

and now I’m at peace every day.

Why the cross? The cross stands as a reminder that sin is rebellion against God. The cross stands as a reminder that sin corrupts and corrupts completely. The cross stands as a reminder that the promises of the world are empty and worthless. The cross stands as a reminder that the only way to irraticate sin is by sacrifice. The cross stands as a reminder that believers are to take it up daily and walk the road Jesus walked. The cross stands as a reminder that God offers forgiveness to those who believe. The cross stands as a reminder that sin is real, terrible, confrontational, and separates man from God.

The world would never have picked the cross as a remedy for sin. It would have clung to works of the law and imperfect sacrifices. The world would substitute the horror of the cross and its devastation for an easy path; a gentler way.   But the way of the cross is putting self last, forgiving your enemies, doing good to those who persecute you, and living a life of peace, while reaching lost for Christ. 

So, have you given your life over to Jesus? If you have I would love to read your story (email me at If you haven’t, then this is a great opportunity for you, a defining moment where you can go from the old way of life to the new (I would love to hear your story as well, The greatest joy is t see God’s people grow in their love for one another and for their Heavenly Father. I’m just saying...

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Hell’s Not For Me

Jesus said to the sheep, “enter into the inheritance prepared for you from the foundations of the world.” To the goats he said, “Go away, you who are dedicated to destruction, to the place prepared for the devil and his angels, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

I am intrigued by this passage because it gives us a glimpse of God’s original intent. I lean toward Calvinism (God choses those who will believe), and it is passages like this one that keep me from leaning all the way. If God had chosen them for destruction, would he not have also prepared a place for them? Unless he felt that the place prepared for the devil and his angels was sufficient, and there was no need for another place of horrific, eternal torment. I guess I answered my own question. But if that’s the case wouldn’t heaven, where the angels dwell with God, be sufficient for believers? Why create a whole new creation for believers, unless that was God’s intent all along, for all of his creation to inherit the coming kingdom. 

That begs the question, “didn’t God know about all of this ahead of time?” Thus the age old question elect or free will? It’s enough to blow your mind. So, the only thing to do is to hold tightly to what we know and loosely to what we don’t know. What do we know?

1. Humans live under God’s Judgement 
2. Jesus went to prepare a place for us.
3. That place was under construction since the foundation of the World.
4. Those who believe in Jesus’ sacrifice for their sins will inherit this new place.
5. Those who do not believe will be separated from God.
6. The place of separation is called the lake of fire, and has been prepared fo the devil and his angels.

It is a blessing to know that God thought enough of us to prepare a place where the sufferings of this life will dissipate into the new creation and sufering. Thank you Jesus, hell’s not for me.

              I’M MUST SAYING 

Sunday, July 7, 2019

America and Apple Pie, I love them Both

I love apple pie. Especially, when it is slightly tart, and the crust is ever so flaky. But do you know when I don’t like apple pie? When the apples are mealy, or the crust is burnt or soggy. Just because I like Apple Pie doesn’t mean I like it all the time. There are good pies and bad pies, and pies where people will even disagree on whether it is good or not. Yet, when I come home and Rebecca is baking an apple pie, I don’t look back on all the pies gone bad. Instead I focus in the hope that is soon to come out of the oven.

The United States is a lot like apple pie. There are times when it is the the next thing to heaven, and times when hell lashes out in a chaotic storm. There are things I don’t like about the United States and things that I love. I love the sweet taste of freedom. The freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly, the freedom of religion, and the freedom to be who I want to be without repercussion. There are, however, things I don’t like, that come along with freedom. I don’t like the bickering of politics, or the intolerance of tolerance. I don’t like the atrocities of our past, or the blaming of everything on them. I don’t like prejudice or hatred, and I surely don’t like the entitlement system it has become. Yet, each morning I don’t look at the things that are tasteless, spoiled, or burnt, instead I focus on the hope of what the day will bring.  And here comes the tricky part. I love the United States like I love Apple Pie, but I don’t love the United States like I love my family.

Jesus said, “(ESV) “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” Matthew 6:24. In the context it’s a contrast between money and God, but the principle is the same. We cannot hold God in our heart and hold anything else at the same time, and since the family of God, in Christ, is an extension of Jesus and is described as his body, then to love the people of God is the same as loving God Himself. There is but one kingdom that we, as believers, can pledge our total and absolute loyalty, and that is the kingdom of God. Can, or should, Christians in The United States be patriotic?  My answer is yes and no. 

I was flipping through Facebook and saw several memes that extolled the virtue of the military against the back drop of many self induced tragedies. Memes aren’t meant to explore the depth of a topic, but highlight actual or perceived inequalities. I teared up as I thought of the men and women who have sacrificed life and limb to keep the U.S. safe and free. I am proud to have been born and raised here, a father who was in the military, and friends who have served faithfully. I believe, with all her faults, the U.S is still the greatest nation and place to live in the world (and I have traveled to many other places). Yes, we can list our faults, we can wail about what we can’t change, but as slow as it moves the U.S. is still the first choice of immigrants; legal and illegal.

However, but, on the other hand, when push comes to shove I am beholden to no country or king, but our Lord Jesus. My brothers and sisters in Christ come before borders, nationalism, and patriotism. That goes for the ones who are persecuted around the world, and the ones who might try to come across our borders illegally. There is great tension when we mix politics and faith, and I have good friends who are right in the middle. Knowing these men it’s there right and their calling. They too must wrestle with the conflict. I don’t believe the church is a place for political wrangling, because the Kingdom of God welcomes all political, economic, ethnic, cultural, and national peoples. When we reject people for any reason, we have ceased being the Kingdom of God and have placed something or someone else as our King. 

So, I went to the fireworks and celebrated our country’s beginning. I thank my friends who have served in the military, but To my brothers and sisters around the world, I stand with you in the cause of  Christ, so that we can bring about the kingdom of God on earth. Then and only then, will we know what true freedom is all about. I’m just saying.,,,

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

No Cockroaches In Heaven

I hate cockroaches. In Houston they grow as big as a bus, or at least they seem that big. Some friends from Wisconsin visited us, they had never seen cockroaches so big. We went for a walk right about dusk, and stopped at a manhole cover. Sure enough, little antini started poking out through the holes. I stomped my foot and predictably most of them retreated, but there were a few that ran straight for us. Made my friend squeal. No one likes cockroaches, unless you’re a researcher.

An article this morning highlighted research into robo roaches. Scientists have figured out how to attach electronics to the back of roaches and control their behavior. Their hope is that by attaching cameras, the robo roaches can get beneath rubble and help in search and rescue. Though, if I were laying under said rubble, and a cockroach approached my face and spoke to me, I would pass out if not have a heart attack. 

The other part of the story was the increased resistance of roaches to insecticides. They have become immune to most of the poison cocktails that professionals use to kill them, and they pass on that immunity to their offspring. With a typical female producing 2 to 300 new roaches in their short lifetime, the planet will be overrun by these silent monsters in no time. Good lesson in multiplication. The myth is that even a nuclear holacost would not kill them. Myth busters destroyed that myth saying, “Roaches can last longer in the radiation, but would eventually succumb to its deadly affects. And even if the were resistance to the radiation, the initial heat blast would incenerate them.”

So what kind of spiritual application is there for roaches? Here it is, “(ESV) 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed” 2nd Peter 3:10. So there you have it. Our hope is the little critters will burn up with the rest of Creation, and we won’t have to endure them in heaven. Unless one or two of them slips into a suitcase at the rapture. I’m just saying...

Monday, July 1, 2019

Hell No!

Yesterday I preached on the common language different cultures use to describe the wicked’s fate in the afterlife. All had a place for the worse among us to spend an eternity in torment. Why is this? Simply it’s about fairness and justice. People are bent toward these attributes. Fairness is impartial and just treatment or behavior without favoritism or discrimination. Justice is the administration of the law or authority in maintaining order. People want to be treated fairly and want others to be treated with justice. Fairness is the application of justice to everyone without prejudice.

I am going to speak on the topic this coming Sunday, but I want to address the idea of fairness. Sin separates us from God. Not the individual sins we commit everyday, but the sin nature that resides in us all. We are by nature sinful people. In a sense it is inherited from our first parents, Adam and Eve. As a result we are separated from God, and therefore all are subject to the punishment of our sin nature. Fairness states that we all are to be sperated from God, judged for our sin nature, and cast into the lake of fire.

God laid his justice on Jesus, and his sacrifice is sufficient to cover the debt owed by all humanity. The application of Jesus’ sacrifice is through our faith. Fairness isn’t the application of Jesus’ sacrifice on all people no matter what, but that God requires the application through faith to be given to people who believe, regardless of race, economic status, or previous religious affiliation. Unfair would be for God to say that salvation is by faith, and then at the last minute say, “just kidding everyone, no matter what they did in this life, can come into heaven.”

God is fair, and the rules apply to everyone. That’s good news to those who are being saved, but to those who refuse to acknowledge Jesus as Lord, it is bad news, because they experience, not the fairness of God’s goodness, but the fairness of His wrath. I’m just saying...