Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Great Mystery

God is the great mystery writer of all time. Within his creation he has hidden the mysteries of life, all to be explored and discovered by man. Like all good authors he doesn't reveal the entirety of the plot at the beginning, but incrementally unfolds the twists and turns as each character fulfills his role. In our impatience we want to skip the details and read the last chapter.

To offer hope God has given each generation enough information to understand His love and grace, but withheld information that was not necessary for their immediate need for obedience and salvation. All this culminating in pivotal moments that have taken the people of God to a new level of growth in their relationship with Him: Abraham and the promise of nation, land, heir; Moses and the possessing of the promised land; David and his eternal kingly line; and the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus. 

This latter stands as the central point of God's mystery, hidden from His people previously, but revealed to the apostles and prophets. It isn't the end of the story, but stands as its climax, reaching back to its historical roots and looking forward to histories culmination. At the proper time God has orchestrated history to present His Son, the savior of the world. He has reached into His creation to reveal what was once hidden, to make known what was once spoken in riddles, to fulfill what was once promised. No longer is the light dimly seen from a distance, but now shines brightly for all to see. It is the Aha moment of God's plan the makes sense of a senseless world.

With the curtain now pulled aside we are brought close to God and are participants in the rest of the story. I am glad to be a part of the great mystery, a reveler of its message, and a recipient of its promise. I can't wait to be a part of the final chapter. I'm just saying...

Eph. 3:1-5

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