Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Knocking Knees and Pounding Hearts

We sat and prayed that God would give us the strength and words to proclaim his word clearly and accurately. After the amen we approached the door and knocked. The family behind the door had visited the church we attended and as part of our community service for Bible College we were to visit them, talk about the church, and share the gospel. My heart pounded. I was a new believer myself and cold calling on people was frightening. My partner seemed confident as I secretly prayed that no one would answer. To my relief they didn't and I was given a temporary reprieve.

As believers we have been given the ministry of reconciliation. Each of us is called to share the gospel, the mystery of God's grace. For most this is frightening, it conjures up inadequacies, persecution, and rejection. The apostle Paul even said he wasn't articulate and approached the Corinthians with fear.

Yet, he didn't let that stop him, he was compelled to preach the gospel, and God didn't leave him without resources. The Apostle Paul said that he did his ministry with the Grace God provided. The word grace has a dual meaning. It can mean gift and opportunity. 

Each of us has at least one gift that is to be used in our ministry of reconciliation. You might be a speaker, a giver, a servant, a musician, or a person of extraordinary faith. Your gift is different then mine and will express itself uniquely in your ministration of the mystery. Western culture is good at developing systems and approaches to evangelism. They are cookie cutter approaches to make evangelism more efficient. They have been good for the church, but they have also stifled the multiplicity of approaches when people share the gospel within the context of their own gifting.

The second use of the term grace is opportunity. Paul was ready to share the gospel according to the gift of God's grace. No matter when, no matter what, no matter what he was doing, in prison or the market place, if God gave an opportunity he took it and preached the gospel. 

However, left to our own power we would default into complacency. Our own hesitancy and fear would keep us from obeying God's call, for this reason God works in us according to His power. As we step out in obedience His power is displayed in and through us. He utilizes the gifts he gives us and empowers us in them to accomplish the task he called us to do. 

You have what it takes because he has supplied you with all that you need. All around you are people who need to hear the gospel and you have a unique way to present it. Today is your opportunity to step out in faith and participate in the ministry of reconciliation according to the grace that works mightily in you. Go for it! I am just saying...

Eph. 3:7  "Of this gospel I was made a minister according to the gift of God's grace, which was given me by the working of his power."

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