Monday, July 20, 2020


Masquerade! Paper faces on parade... Hide your face, so the world will never find you! Masquerade! Every face a different shade . . . Look around there's another mask behind you!*

Phantom of the Opera is one of my all-time favorites, and the song Masquerade is the most creative number in the play. It points out that the phantom isn't the only one who wears masks. Like the Operatic ghost, we hide behind our masks, afraid that if the world catches a glimpse beneath the surface, we will be rejected for our monster within. 

Keeping our darkest secrets hidden, our masks serve to distract onlookers from seeing the turmoil inside. But a glance in the mirror and we reel back in disgust. We see the mask and know the façade is thin and hope that the small cracks will not grow larger, exposing our vulnerabilities and weakness.

In ancient Greece, actors donned masks to cover the performer's face and present a new character in the drama. The actor was referred to as a hypocrite because his true identity was hidden. In the gospels, the term hypocrite applied to the Pharisees. They called people to repentance and obedience, then turned around, and sidestepped the rules to fit their greed and lusts. Jesus was harshest with their low regard for truth, the law, and for people.

It is easy to put on a mask that portrays a persona that says, "look at me; I have it all together." Isn't that the mark of a true believer? Trusting in Jesus means that I have the "joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart, always." But I don't. The hypocritical mask betrays my fear of rejection. Criticism of decisions, the judgment of actions, and undo expectations beat against my mask, reinforcing the desire to keep it in place.

Wearing a mask is an act of unbelief in God's ineffable grace. The writer of Hebrews said, "Since we have this confidence to enter into the holy places." The word confidence means speaking whatever comes to mind without reprisal. In God's presence and love, He gently removes my mask.  I am known and still accepted because of Jesus' righteousness. No longer do I have to hide behind the bush when the Father calls my name. Along with my mask, My shame is removed, and I am a new creation.

The phantom's mask was finally removed, and his greatest fears were realized, not because of the way he looked, but because of the corruption that ate at his soul. He chose to remain hidden in the shadows. We have seen a great light, and that light is the light of life, who has come into the world, and he is full of grace and truth. Take off your mask, step into the light, and experience the joy of being fully known and accepted. I'm just saying.

*Andrew Lloyd Webber – Masquerade/Why So Silent? Lyrics ....

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