There are quite a few conservative churches that don't allow dancing at organized events. It's one of those rules created to ward off the potential illicit grinding that can morally bankrupt dancers. Having been to some raucous weddings, I understand the policy. But I do like to watch ballroom dancing.
I would probably engage in it more if I had rhythm. For one of our anniversaries, I surprised Rebecca with a one-hour private lesson. It was closed because I needed the focused attention of the instructor. We had a great time and have never done it again.
Ballroom dancing is a beautiful picture of marriage. It takes two people who are face to face, where one is responsible for leading (usually the male). The female lightly touches his arms, and by subtle movements, she is able to anticipate the direction he wants to go. If she tries to lead at the same time, their rhythm is knocked off.
When everyone is fulfilling their role, the couple moves across the floor in a fluid, effortless movement of grace and beauty. Experienced couples effortlessly glide across the floor, looking into each other's eyes and become lost in the rapture of love (awe). It doesn't happen overnight; it takes hours of practice and patience. When I watch a talented couple dance, it makes me want to go and try it again.
Marriage takes as much patience and practice. Even when you think your instep and have all the moves down, one misstep can cause the couple to stumble. Regaining rhythm and balance can be tricky.
"Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered." 1 Peter 3:7
Does anyone know of a place to take ballroom dancing lessons? I'm just saying...
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