Saturday, February 23, 2019

Shoe Shopping

Shoe shopping. I don’t like shopping in general, but shoe shopping is even worse. All I need is something that will cover my feet, fit like a glove, and be comfortable all day, as well as look good for Sunday. Surely I can find something like that at Payless. Rebecca keeps me from buying the cheapest shoe, because I loathe shopping I would settle for the cheapest shoe that won’t fit any of my requirements, and in the end I wouldn’t be happy. Amazon has failed me because I can’t try online shoes on. We need a replicator. I would rather be in the basement putting up closet doors.

So today is slated to spend the majority of the day driving to some far away panacea to find, not just one, but the perfect set of shoes to meet my daily needs.  There is no such thing as one shoe to rule them all. Dress shoes for Sunday. Everyday shoes for work. Athletic shoes to make me feel good since I am not athletic (there is hope that I might exercise). In the end (thank you Rebecca) I will come home with the almost perfect (nothing is perfect) set of shoes.

Did you know the word shoe is mentioned four times in the Bible (ESV). Ezekiel and Luke talk about shoes in the context of joy and celebration. It’s putting on your Sunday best and looking your good for people to see. The fourth account is in Ephesians, “and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace,” (Ephesians 6:15). Shoes in this context are about being ready to travel, being on the road, being steady and secure so that you can be an instrument of the gospel of peace. Shoes are a part of the armor of God, and they have both a defensive and offensive function.

They are defensive because you plant them in the ground so that the enemy can’t push you back. No matter how hard he tries he can’t unsettle you because of the gospel of peace. The cross has defeated him, the resurrection rendered him powerless. The shoes of the gospel stand against his lies with truth, against bitterness with love, against discord, with unity, against violence with patient endurance, against hatred with forgiveness, and against darkness with light.

They are offensive because you take a step and plant your foot. Take a step and plant. Take a step and plant. The kingdom of God is advancing, one step at a time. The gospel of peace transforms lives, gives hope, and instills purpose. The enemy strikes and we advance. With the gospel we grant forgiveness, offer love, extend mercy, and lavish grace. The enemy is disarmed because hatred has no teeth against the back drop of God’s divine love. The gospel of peace triumphs with every step. Now that’s the kind of shoes I’m looking for. I’m just saying.

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