Thursday, February 21, 2019

Seasons Of Faith — What I Should Have Said

We all go though seasons of faith. I remember the spring when everything was new. I finally found a place to belong, friends who cared for me, and a purpose for my life. As difficult as it was to step out of my shell I wanted to be a witness for Jesus, so I used what l loved for Christ. As a theatre student I learned skills that helped me train junior high students in making and performing puppetry. We traveled to churches and camps sharing the gospel. Even when I went to bible college I wanted to be active in ministry. Jesus was coming back soon, and I wanted to be found faithful. We prayed for God to reveal himself in miraculous ways, because we didn’t want to miss out on anything God had for us. It was a time of great expectation.

But Spring turned to summer and I was in my first full time ministry. I soon learned what it meant to be misunderstood, disagreed with, and disillusioned when people’s problems got in the way of the gospel. It was a time of learning that the gospel was for the people who had problems. God had called me to the ministry and though I was a little more cautious, I believed God had something big for me to do. I delved into the Word, wrote devotional material, spoke at camps, discipled students, and led missions trips. They were the golden years of ministry when everything grew and I had a clear vision of what God wanted for me, until I didn’t.

There is a moment during the Summer of Faith when you hit a wall. You wonder if it is worth the effort. Temptation knocks at your door. The mess of people’s lives seem deeper than the gospel’s ability to transform. Your enthusiasm shifts from high octane to an empty tank, and you are faced with a choice. Were you wrong? Is he coming back? Is there any power? It is a defining moment when you feel caught between two worlds and all you want is a word from heaven, one confirmation that you are on the right path….and there is silence. 

It is in the fall of our faith that the reality of our relationship with God deepens. What we thought was silence was a whisper, speaking gently of his grace and mercy; his compassion and forgiveness. If we seek Him he is found, not in the spectacular, but in the simple, humble service to others. The Spirit speaks to my spirit reminding me that I am his child. In this season of faith I have learned that the long obedience isn’t a concession but a discipline as I wait on the Lord. 

I have not already attained it, but this one thing I do. Forgetting what is behind me, I press on to take hold of that which is in Christ Jesus. To know him through the power of his resurrection, the fellowship of his suffering, and in the likeness of his death. To know Him and to make Him known. That has always been my calling. 

What season are you in? Which ever it is God has something wonderful for you. So don’t grow weary, but be filled with the Spirit, for He will guide you to all truth in Jesus. I’m just saying…

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