There is nothing more exciting than seeing one of your children stand hand and hand with the woman he loves and commit to a long life relationship. And though Steve and Jenn have known each other for awhile there is a difference between being a friend and being a spouse. The committment is deeper and richer and the conflicts more passionate. Yet, the richness of married life is deepened as they explore life together, and as long as they remember their vows they will be able to weather any storm that come their way.
The wedding was beautiful, or should I say the bride was beautiful. No body really cares how the groom looks unless his appearance detracts from the brides. As Jen walked down the aisle I could see the neverous anticipation on Steve's face. He had seen her in her dress earlier but walking down the aisle was different. There was an inevitableness and purposefulness about the procession. Steve didn't exhibit a fight or flight response but more like a child who is excisted but can barely control his impulse to jump up and down. He took her hand and they both turned to face me. They are a perfect match!
I am sure that they heard little of what I said (which is always the case and somewhat dissappointing as a pastor, oh, well). Steve rocked gently to keep his legs from locking and his body from fainting. Jenn smiled at Steve and then occasionally at me as to say, "Let's get on with this." As they repeated their vows there was no hesitancy or doubt. They loved (love) each other deeply and this was a defining moment in their lives. During their honeymoon Steve posts on Facebook "I have a WIFE WIFE WIFE WIFE WIFE". The reality is setting in and it feels good.
As they say the honeymoon will end and the reality of being cut loose from their parents care will set in, but the journey, the struggle, the marathon of marriage is well worth the effort. There will be times of exasperation as they work out the details of two lives entwined. There will be conflicts as two wills clash. There will be moments when one or the other will think, "was it really worth all this hassle?" Conflict is inevitable, but conflict isn't bad. When seen in its proper light conflict forges two hearts together. Because just as there is conflict there inexplicable joy!
Joy is a feeling of deep satisfaction. It is the reality of knowing, without anything being said, that I am accepted and all is well in the world. There will be physical ecstasy but it pales compared to two souls deeply experiencing the joy of a committed relationship. It is inhaled each time they hug, kiss, sit close, or glimpse the other in their peripheral. It is exhaled as they serve one another and give deference to the others feelings. Oh, that every married relationship would find this kind of connection. I am glad that I have, and after almost 31 years of marriage I can say that it is well worth it.
The Scriptures say that one day Jesus will return to recieve His bride (the church). Everything up to that point is preparation for the wedding. The peace and love that we experience now through the indwelling of the Spirit is only a guarantee of things to come; much better things. It's hard to imagine paradise, but if it is a fraction of the joy I have experienced with my wife, it is hard to contain the excitement of what's ahead. Every time I perform a wedding I am reminded of a more glamorous celebration at the consumation of the ages, and with a giddiness I smile at the bride and groom and think, "If you only knew!" I'm just saying.......
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
In Case Of Fire – Four Ways To Be Prepared
With all the natural disaster occurring regularly it is good advice to be prepared for every contingency. On disaster that few think will ever happen to them is a home fire. Living in Dallas we experienced our first home fire disaster. It wasn’t our home but the one across the street. As it went up in flames the heat was extraordinary. We watched from inside our apartment and had to step away from the windows because they were so hot. So here are four tips in the event of fire:
1. As much as possible purchase fire retardant clothing. No one wants to look like those movies where the guy is running from the building waving his arms frantically while flames extend to the sky.
2. Fully immerse yourself in water. This is not a daily event though showers are a good hygiene activity. If there is a fire fully immerse yourself in water so that as you move out of the house your fire retardant clothing won’t combust into flames.
3. Wear oxygen and breath deeply. Of course who has a bottle of oxygen lying around in case of a fire. If one is not available lay close to the floor and just under the smoke. Most deaths are caused by smoke inhalation.
4. This one is preventative, have proper equipment stored in the house. This includes but is not limited to a smoke alarm (and don’t use the batteries for the kids toys), fire extinguisher (good for putting out the guy in the movie), and make sure you have an escape plan.
Putting these few tips into place will help protect you in case of a house fire. Of course there are worse fires then those in homes. There are chemical fires, fires on airplanes (while flying), and of course the big fire of them all HELL. Wouldn’t it be great if there were steps to protect against that one! Wait, there is and here are just a few hints:
1. Fire Retardant Clothing: Zechariah 3:4b. “See, I have taken your iniquity away from you and will clothe you with festal robes.” When we accept Jesus as our savior His righteousness becomes our clothing and God no longer judges us for our sin.
2. Fully Immerse Yourself In Water: 1Pet. 3:21 “Corresponding to that, baptism now saves you — not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience — through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” When we are baptized by water we are identifying ourselves with the cause of Christ. When we are baptized by the Holy Spirit we are brought into the family of God because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
3. Wear Oxygen and Breathe Deeply Acts 17:25 “He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things”. The Father has breathed into us the breath of life and as we are dependent on Him we receive eternal blessings.
4: Proper Equipment: Like a smoke alarm prayer helps us to be alert and aware of the devils schemes (1 Peter 5:8); Fire extinguishers are good for earthly fires but to extinguish the flaming arrows of the devil we need something a lot more effective – the shield of faith (Eph 6:16); and finally a good escape route is essential to avoid dying in a fire and to avoid eternal flames everyone should trust the Lord who always gives a way of escape when temptation comes (1 Cor 10:13).
There you have it four good tips. Of course if you think the fire will never come you will be caught unprepared and most likely be consumed. I’m just saying…..
1. As much as possible purchase fire retardant clothing. No one wants to look like those movies where the guy is running from the building waving his arms frantically while flames extend to the sky.
2. Fully immerse yourself in water. This is not a daily event though showers are a good hygiene activity. If there is a fire fully immerse yourself in water so that as you move out of the house your fire retardant clothing won’t combust into flames.
3. Wear oxygen and breath deeply. Of course who has a bottle of oxygen lying around in case of a fire. If one is not available lay close to the floor and just under the smoke. Most deaths are caused by smoke inhalation.
4. This one is preventative, have proper equipment stored in the house. This includes but is not limited to a smoke alarm (and don’t use the batteries for the kids toys), fire extinguisher (good for putting out the guy in the movie), and make sure you have an escape plan.
Putting these few tips into place will help protect you in case of a house fire. Of course there are worse fires then those in homes. There are chemical fires, fires on airplanes (while flying), and of course the big fire of them all HELL. Wouldn’t it be great if there were steps to protect against that one! Wait, there is and here are just a few hints:
1. Fire Retardant Clothing: Zechariah 3:4b. “See, I have taken your iniquity away from you and will clothe you with festal robes.” When we accept Jesus as our savior His righteousness becomes our clothing and God no longer judges us for our sin.
2. Fully Immerse Yourself In Water: 1Pet. 3:21 “Corresponding to that, baptism now saves you — not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience — through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” When we are baptized by water we are identifying ourselves with the cause of Christ. When we are baptized by the Holy Spirit we are brought into the family of God because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
3. Wear Oxygen and Breathe Deeply Acts 17:25 “He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things”. The Father has breathed into us the breath of life and as we are dependent on Him we receive eternal blessings.
4: Proper Equipment: Like a smoke alarm prayer helps us to be alert and aware of the devils schemes (1 Peter 5:8); Fire extinguishers are good for earthly fires but to extinguish the flaming arrows of the devil we need something a lot more effective – the shield of faith (Eph 6:16); and finally a good escape route is essential to avoid dying in a fire and to avoid eternal flames everyone should trust the Lord who always gives a way of escape when temptation comes (1 Cor 10:13).
There you have it four good tips. Of course if you think the fire will never come you will be caught unprepared and most likely be consumed. I’m just saying…..
Monday, May 23, 2011
I Don’t Have To Explain Myself
Christians always seem to be on the defensive. I wonder if that is why we call the defense of our faith “Apologetics”. We seem to be apologizing for what we believe so as not to offend anyone. Well, today I am here to say, “I don’t have to explain myself!”
I am not being arrogant, but in the end, whether I convince someone of the truth or not, my faith and the reality of God doesn’t change. If I am not articulate enough or smart enough to sway the minds of those who stand defiantly against God the loss isn’t mine. There are plenty of logical and philosophical reasons to believe in God. There are ample examples of design in creation to point to a powerful, just, and loving Creator. There are even personal examples of transformed lives, miracles, and healings that give pause to the most ardent unbeliever.
In the end this is true:
Living He loved me
Dying He saved me
Buried He carried my sins far away!
Rising He justified, clearly forever
One day He’s coming…Oh! Glorious Day!
Today I rise knowing my redeemer lives! I will live my life as a reflection of His grace, care for others, laugh and cry, hope and dream, love and be loved all for the praise of His glory. There will be people who will scratch their heads and wonder. Others will say I am crazy. Still others will mock me and call me foolish for believing in someone I cannot see. But that’s Ok! I don’t owe them an explanation (though I will give one if they are interested). I don’t have to prove to them that God exists (though there is ample evidence). I don’t have to apologize if they feel uncomfortable or offended if I carry my bible, pray in public, or wear a cross.
I pray that those who don’t know Jesus will come to Him and accept freely the gift of Life, abundantly now and eternally after death. I pray that those who are hurting will find peace and comfort in the arms of a loving heavenly Father. I pray that the deepest longings of their hearts will find satisfaction in the God who has created them for immeasurably more. At the end of the day, however, I am not responsible for their choices and won’t apologize for mine.
In trying to explain the inexplicable too many have given in to the temptation and compromise the character of God. As Paul says in Romans 9:20, “who are you, O man, who answers back to God?” This may seem a copout to the doubter but that’s not my problem, it’s his. And again in 9:33, “Behold, I lay in Zion a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, and he who believes in Him will not be disappointed.”
My hope is that many people will believe and find that God doesn’t disappoint His children. But until then the message of the gospel is foolishness and a stumbling block to the world, and my only responsibility is to point them in the right direction. They have to chose which way they want to walk. I’m just saying……..
I am not being arrogant, but in the end, whether I convince someone of the truth or not, my faith and the reality of God doesn’t change. If I am not articulate enough or smart enough to sway the minds of those who stand defiantly against God the loss isn’t mine. There are plenty of logical and philosophical reasons to believe in God. There are ample examples of design in creation to point to a powerful, just, and loving Creator. There are even personal examples of transformed lives, miracles, and healings that give pause to the most ardent unbeliever.
In the end this is true:
Living He loved me
Dying He saved me
Buried He carried my sins far away!
Rising He justified, clearly forever
One day He’s coming…Oh! Glorious Day!
Today I rise knowing my redeemer lives! I will live my life as a reflection of His grace, care for others, laugh and cry, hope and dream, love and be loved all for the praise of His glory. There will be people who will scratch their heads and wonder. Others will say I am crazy. Still others will mock me and call me foolish for believing in someone I cannot see. But that’s Ok! I don’t owe them an explanation (though I will give one if they are interested). I don’t have to prove to them that God exists (though there is ample evidence). I don’t have to apologize if they feel uncomfortable or offended if I carry my bible, pray in public, or wear a cross.
I pray that those who don’t know Jesus will come to Him and accept freely the gift of Life, abundantly now and eternally after death. I pray that those who are hurting will find peace and comfort in the arms of a loving heavenly Father. I pray that the deepest longings of their hearts will find satisfaction in the God who has created them for immeasurably more. At the end of the day, however, I am not responsible for their choices and won’t apologize for mine.
In trying to explain the inexplicable too many have given in to the temptation and compromise the character of God. As Paul says in Romans 9:20, “who are you, O man, who answers back to God?” This may seem a copout to the doubter but that’s not my problem, it’s his. And again in 9:33, “Behold, I lay in Zion a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, and he who believes in Him will not be disappointed.”
My hope is that many people will believe and find that God doesn’t disappoint His children. But until then the message of the gospel is foolishness and a stumbling block to the world, and my only responsibility is to point them in the right direction. They have to chose which way they want to walk. I’m just saying……..
Friday, May 20, 2011
Israel Today
While the President of the United States declares that he is a Zionist he demands that the Jewish nation return to its 1967 boarders. This is at the top of the news since President Obama gave his Middle East speech this last week. The question is whether Israel is legitimately a national entity and do they have a right to any of the land?
The Ottoman Empire ruled from 27 July 1299 to 29 October 1923. The territory of this empire spread from what is now Turkey around the coast of North Africa. All the land in between had no other territorial or national claim other than being part of the Empire. After World War I and the defeat of the Ottomans the empire was broken up, divided and nation states that had not existed before were formed. The 1920 Treaty of Sevres would redefine what is now known as the Middle East. What is now Israel was an empty sparse parcel of land populated by both Jews and Palestinians. Not until 1948, following the holocaust of Europe during World War II, was the land officially given to Israel to form a national identity.
From a pragmatic point of view it has always been that the spoils of war go to the victor. The Romans took the land from the Greeks, the Ottoman’s took it from the Romans, and the Europeans took it from the Ottomans and gave it to whomever they choose. From this stand point the Israeli’s have as much right to be a nation as do the other nation states that were set up by the Treaty of Sevres.
Taking a step back even further the Israeli Nation had a national identity prior to the Romans expelling them in AD 70. But seldom do nations regain lost land unless regained through battle. Only through the efforts of the Zionist movement and their relationship with, and sympathies from, Europe did it make possible Israel’s return to the land.
In this view of shifting national identities based on the spoils of war those who would like to take Israel’s land by force can do so if they have the strength to be militarily victorious. In 1967 the Arab’s of the region felt they had that might. They attacked Israel from two sides and lost. Not only did they lose the war but also they lost land (to the victor goes the spoils). For them to cry fowl now is kind of silly.
It is easy to look back and make judgments about the decisions of other nations and say that they were right or wrong. That doesn’t provide any solutions for today. It would be like the United States going back to its 1850 boarders because the Native Americans want their land back. It might be the right thing to do but it would also create a whole slue of other problems for today. Should Israel go back to the 1967 boarders or the 1920 boarders? Or should they return to the boarders of Roman or Solomon?
From my perspective the Land has belonged to Israel since the time of Moses, taken and given back to them over and over again. They now are in their land once again by the providence of God. The boarders of 1967 were gained as a result of an attack on their national identity and belong to them. As a nation we should support the rights of nations as they stand today. But we won’t. As we fight in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya we prove once again that might brings about change and to the victor goes the spoils. We perpetuate what we say we abhor to bring about what we believe is the best for the region and us.
God is not finished with Israel. He has a plan for her to turn her heart back to Him. We need to support her, not in everything that she does, but because she is the chosen people of God. Let us guide, advise, encourage, chastise, and pray for them as a people; first to return to the God of their Father Abraham and faith in His Son Jesus; secondly, to live at peace with her neighbors (if that is even possible). I’m just saying…..
The Ottoman Empire ruled from 27 July 1299 to 29 October 1923. The territory of this empire spread from what is now Turkey around the coast of North Africa. All the land in between had no other territorial or national claim other than being part of the Empire. After World War I and the defeat of the Ottomans the empire was broken up, divided and nation states that had not existed before were formed. The 1920 Treaty of Sevres would redefine what is now known as the Middle East. What is now Israel was an empty sparse parcel of land populated by both Jews and Palestinians. Not until 1948, following the holocaust of Europe during World War II, was the land officially given to Israel to form a national identity.
From a pragmatic point of view it has always been that the spoils of war go to the victor. The Romans took the land from the Greeks, the Ottoman’s took it from the Romans, and the Europeans took it from the Ottomans and gave it to whomever they choose. From this stand point the Israeli’s have as much right to be a nation as do the other nation states that were set up by the Treaty of Sevres.
Taking a step back even further the Israeli Nation had a national identity prior to the Romans expelling them in AD 70. But seldom do nations regain lost land unless regained through battle. Only through the efforts of the Zionist movement and their relationship with, and sympathies from, Europe did it make possible Israel’s return to the land.
In this view of shifting national identities based on the spoils of war those who would like to take Israel’s land by force can do so if they have the strength to be militarily victorious. In 1967 the Arab’s of the region felt they had that might. They attacked Israel from two sides and lost. Not only did they lose the war but also they lost land (to the victor goes the spoils). For them to cry fowl now is kind of silly.
It is easy to look back and make judgments about the decisions of other nations and say that they were right or wrong. That doesn’t provide any solutions for today. It would be like the United States going back to its 1850 boarders because the Native Americans want their land back. It might be the right thing to do but it would also create a whole slue of other problems for today. Should Israel go back to the 1967 boarders or the 1920 boarders? Or should they return to the boarders of Roman or Solomon?
From my perspective the Land has belonged to Israel since the time of Moses, taken and given back to them over and over again. They now are in their land once again by the providence of God. The boarders of 1967 were gained as a result of an attack on their national identity and belong to them. As a nation we should support the rights of nations as they stand today. But we won’t. As we fight in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya we prove once again that might brings about change and to the victor goes the spoils. We perpetuate what we say we abhor to bring about what we believe is the best for the region and us.
God is not finished with Israel. He has a plan for her to turn her heart back to Him. We need to support her, not in everything that she does, but because she is the chosen people of God. Let us guide, advise, encourage, chastise, and pray for them as a people; first to return to the God of their Father Abraham and faith in His Son Jesus; secondly, to live at peace with her neighbors (if that is even possible). I’m just saying…..
Monday, May 16, 2011
Houston We Have A Problem
I was raised on Star Trek, Star Wars, and Lost in Space. In the fifth grade I got my mom to paint my room black with stars on the ceiling and a cardboard control center against the wall. I remember watching the first Apollo launch (black and white TV), the landing on the moon, and the race to dominate space. It was a time of expectation, a time of exploration, and a time of contemplation—were we alone in the Universe?
We have come a long way since the first Gemini Space Missions. Our technology has advanced considerably and our ability to go into space on a regular basis has been astonishing, and we have a space station. Ok, its not like Deep Space Nine but it is a space station. But all of that is coming to an end, or at least is taking a big detour. The Shuttle missions, that have brought our nation great pride and tears, are coming to an end (we are out of money). It is less expensive ($36,000,000 a head) to hitch a ride on the Russian rockets. An end to an era is upon us and for an avid Sci-fi buff like myself this is kind of sad.
Yet, this is the reality of our inability to push very far into space and to really come up with the answers for which we had hoped. Flying around in the space station is like a toddler sitting on the porch. He thinks he has gotten far but he is still just outside the door. There is so much more to explore. Some Christians have thought that space exploration has been an expensive expedition to nowhere. “God has created the earth as the only place on which life can survive and the rest is man’s meaningless attempt to prove God does not exist and life has evolved throughout the universe.” And though I agree that God has created life only on this small planet, I don’t agree that exploration is worthless or meaningless. The Universe declares the glory of the Lord! It shouts of His greatness! And it gives us perspective.
Psa. 8:3,4 When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man that You take thought of him, And the son of man that You care for him?
In our pride we have ascended to the heavens to prove God does not exist only to find how insignificant we really are in the cosmos. We are on the front porch thinking we have gone so far, and if we made it back to the moon, to mars, or to the edge of our galaxy we will have still only reached the front sidewalk. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t go into space; we just need to keep things in perspective. The universe is ours to explore and revel in the glory of God’s handiwork. We should always be driven back to the throne, to be awed, not by the creation, but by the one who has created it and holds it in His hands! I still dream that one day I will stand on a star ship looking out at the great expanse of the universe; seeing things only imagined on earth; and marveling at the complexity of it all. My lips won’t sing the greatness of man, whose ship hurl me far from the earth, but the refrain that ascends to the ears of my Savior will always be…
Rom. 11:33-36 “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor? Or who has first given to Him that it might be paid back to Him again? From Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.” I’m just saying……
We have come a long way since the first Gemini Space Missions. Our technology has advanced considerably and our ability to go into space on a regular basis has been astonishing, and we have a space station. Ok, its not like Deep Space Nine but it is a space station. But all of that is coming to an end, or at least is taking a big detour. The Shuttle missions, that have brought our nation great pride and tears, are coming to an end (we are out of money). It is less expensive ($36,000,000 a head) to hitch a ride on the Russian rockets. An end to an era is upon us and for an avid Sci-fi buff like myself this is kind of sad.
Yet, this is the reality of our inability to push very far into space and to really come up with the answers for which we had hoped. Flying around in the space station is like a toddler sitting on the porch. He thinks he has gotten far but he is still just outside the door. There is so much more to explore. Some Christians have thought that space exploration has been an expensive expedition to nowhere. “God has created the earth as the only place on which life can survive and the rest is man’s meaningless attempt to prove God does not exist and life has evolved throughout the universe.” And though I agree that God has created life only on this small planet, I don’t agree that exploration is worthless or meaningless. The Universe declares the glory of the Lord! It shouts of His greatness! And it gives us perspective.
Psa. 8:3,4 When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man that You take thought of him, And the son of man that You care for him?
In our pride we have ascended to the heavens to prove God does not exist only to find how insignificant we really are in the cosmos. We are on the front porch thinking we have gone so far, and if we made it back to the moon, to mars, or to the edge of our galaxy we will have still only reached the front sidewalk. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t go into space; we just need to keep things in perspective. The universe is ours to explore and revel in the glory of God’s handiwork. We should always be driven back to the throne, to be awed, not by the creation, but by the one who has created it and holds it in His hands! I still dream that one day I will stand on a star ship looking out at the great expanse of the universe; seeing things only imagined on earth; and marveling at the complexity of it all. My lips won’t sing the greatness of man, whose ship hurl me far from the earth, but the refrain that ascends to the ears of my Savior will always be…
Rom. 11:33-36 “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor? Or who has first given to Him that it might be paid back to Him again? From Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.” I’m just saying……
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
He Has Arrived
To know the body of faith is praying is an awe-inspiring life event. We all have differing conceptions of prayer and we practice more or less against those notions. Prayer is connecting to God. That’s it. It’s connecting to Him to know Him, worship Him, Praise Him, petition Him, or just to be in His presence. Our expectations of what He will do in response to our prayers, again, varies. One thing for sure is that He always hears, listens, cares, and answers. The answer isn’t always what we want but it is always good. And in whatever the circumstances God will make them good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. So, when you know that the people of God are praying to the all-loving God, then you know the best of God is coming your way.
Last week my daughter-in-law’s water broke six weeks before the due date. It created quite the fervor making sure that both the baby and mom were healthy, and that the parents were doing the best thing for both. They went to the hospital and begin a regiment of steroids to make sure the baby’s lungs developed and oral antibiotics to prevent infection. She stayed the night but went home the next day. My granddaughter, Eva, had gone to a friend’s house for the night (a mini fun vacation for her). During the day another friend came to the house to help Alison with lifting and care for Eva. My son, Josh, came home and picked up where the friend left off. Josh wrote, “We are praying the baby will come by the end of the week.”
As things go Tiny Tiny (baby’s nickname) didn’t want to wait. We received a text Monday evening (early in the morning their time) that Alison was having contractions and that they were heading to the hospital in the morning. I am sure there was excitement at their end because there was excitement at ours. It was hard for us to go to bed knowing that she was in labor. The message came, we received a text that Gabriel Paul was born at 8:30 am (Bahrain time) and is 5.72 pounds and 16.5354 inches long. Both mom and baby are well!
When I saw the middle name I can’t tell you the swelling in my heart. I have never felt this way before, not even at the births of my own children. There is something about seeing the legacy of your family continue; a godly legacy, and this is only our oldest son.
We will be flying to Bahrain at the end of June and the plane can’t leave soon enough. I will get to read to my dearest Eva, take her for walks, cuddle with her, and enjoy her tremendously. I will get to hold my grandson Gabriel Paul and once again see the faithfulness of God in his little face. And of course I will get to talk and enjoy the company of my adult children who are a joy to their parents.
Wow, and this is only half of the excitement for us this summer. Our middle son Stephen is getting married to a wonderful woman. I don’t know if I can handle all this; I am about to burst. And burst I will in praise to our good God and Savior who rains down blessings from generation to generation, to those who love Him and are called by His name. To Him be praise, glory, and honor forever and ever. Amen. I’m just saying……
Last week my daughter-in-law’s water broke six weeks before the due date. It created quite the fervor making sure that both the baby and mom were healthy, and that the parents were doing the best thing for both. They went to the hospital and begin a regiment of steroids to make sure the baby’s lungs developed and oral antibiotics to prevent infection. She stayed the night but went home the next day. My granddaughter, Eva, had gone to a friend’s house for the night (a mini fun vacation for her). During the day another friend came to the house to help Alison with lifting and care for Eva. My son, Josh, came home and picked up where the friend left off. Josh wrote, “We are praying the baby will come by the end of the week.”
As things go Tiny Tiny (baby’s nickname) didn’t want to wait. We received a text Monday evening (early in the morning their time) that Alison was having contractions and that they were heading to the hospital in the morning. I am sure there was excitement at their end because there was excitement at ours. It was hard for us to go to bed knowing that she was in labor. The message came, we received a text that Gabriel Paul was born at 8:30 am (Bahrain time) and is 5.72 pounds and 16.5354 inches long. Both mom and baby are well!
When I saw the middle name I can’t tell you the swelling in my heart. I have never felt this way before, not even at the births of my own children. There is something about seeing the legacy of your family continue; a godly legacy, and this is only our oldest son.
We will be flying to Bahrain at the end of June and the plane can’t leave soon enough. I will get to read to my dearest Eva, take her for walks, cuddle with her, and enjoy her tremendously. I will get to hold my grandson Gabriel Paul and once again see the faithfulness of God in his little face. And of course I will get to talk and enjoy the company of my adult children who are a joy to their parents.
Wow, and this is only half of the excitement for us this summer. Our middle son Stephen is getting married to a wonderful woman. I don’t know if I can handle all this; I am about to burst. And burst I will in praise to our good God and Savior who rains down blessings from generation to generation, to those who love Him and are called by His name. To Him be praise, glory, and honor forever and ever. Amen. I’m just saying……
Monday, May 9, 2011
Eagerly Waiting
This has been a week of constantly looking at my phone to see if a text has come, or opening my email to see if there is a message, or incessantly perusing Facebook for any new information about "Tiny Tiny". Tiny Tiny is the nickname that my son Joshua has given to their unborn baby. S/he is trying to make his entrance into the world a little ahead of schedule. Everything began last week when Alison's water broke 6 weeks early. They went to the hospital, she spent the night, went home the next day, and is now waiting for the joyous event to arrive. I suspect that she is talking to the baby trying to coax the little girl to make his grand entrance.
I suspect it is a girl since she said she was coming and decided to make you wait. Of course, it could be a boy who opened the door and got distracted by something shiny and has forgotten what he originally was going to do. Either way the parents’ world (and grandparents') has been put on hold hovering around the whims of this little baby. I am sure that Joshua is trying to work but would rather be at home with the family.
This waiting, of course got me thinking about Romans 8:22-24, "For we know the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. And not only this, but also we ourselves having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies."
We are eagerly waiting. There is a sense of excitement and anticipation in this wait. There is pain, there is discomfort, there is a constant onslaught of inconvenience, but when you have the hope of what is to come all that proceeds it is small in comparison. We are constantly looking for signs of Jesus' coming and some have even made guesses to the exact date. And though these predictions can be embarrassing if not true they are indications of a deeper desire to see our Savior return and bring about the consummation of the ages. We wait, eagerly, impatiently, with hope and all these troubles and sorrows are the birth pangs that bring about the birth of a new age. There will be joy in the morning.
Each of us bears under the stresses of this world in different ways, but none of us has to do it alone. Some labor is quick and easy and others is hard and prolonged. As a community we walk and wait with each other to strengthen, encourage, and endure until the blessed day arrives. The saddest stories are people who chose to walk in pain alone too proud or embarrassed to bring their pain to light. What joy and encouragement are those who extend the opportunities of the body of Christ to serve and comfort in times of hardship. We suffer these pains together.
Joshua posted, "The church is alive and well in Bahrain." In there time of waiting the community of believers they are fellowshipping with are helping to watch Eva (their daughter), help Alison around the house, and pray for the safe delivery of Tiny Tiny. They are not walking this alone. For us as grandparents we wish we could be there, but rejoice that God has provided an extended family who love and care for them. Tiny Tiny hurry up there are people who want to play with you. I'm just saying......
I suspect it is a girl since she said she was coming and decided to make you wait. Of course, it could be a boy who opened the door and got distracted by something shiny and has forgotten what he originally was going to do. Either way the parents’ world (and grandparents') has been put on hold hovering around the whims of this little baby. I am sure that Joshua is trying to work but would rather be at home with the family.
This waiting, of course got me thinking about Romans 8:22-24, "For we know the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. And not only this, but also we ourselves having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies."
We are eagerly waiting. There is a sense of excitement and anticipation in this wait. There is pain, there is discomfort, there is a constant onslaught of inconvenience, but when you have the hope of what is to come all that proceeds it is small in comparison. We are constantly looking for signs of Jesus' coming and some have even made guesses to the exact date. And though these predictions can be embarrassing if not true they are indications of a deeper desire to see our Savior return and bring about the consummation of the ages. We wait, eagerly, impatiently, with hope and all these troubles and sorrows are the birth pangs that bring about the birth of a new age. There will be joy in the morning.
Each of us bears under the stresses of this world in different ways, but none of us has to do it alone. Some labor is quick and easy and others is hard and prolonged. As a community we walk and wait with each other to strengthen, encourage, and endure until the blessed day arrives. The saddest stories are people who chose to walk in pain alone too proud or embarrassed to bring their pain to light. What joy and encouragement are those who extend the opportunities of the body of Christ to serve and comfort in times of hardship. We suffer these pains together.
Joshua posted, "The church is alive and well in Bahrain." In there time of waiting the community of believers they are fellowshipping with are helping to watch Eva (their daughter), help Alison around the house, and pray for the safe delivery of Tiny Tiny. They are not walking this alone. For us as grandparents we wish we could be there, but rejoice that God has provided an extended family who love and care for them. Tiny Tiny hurry up there are people who want to play with you. I'm just saying......
Thursday, May 5, 2011
If My People….
Most of us are familiar enough with the bible to know that the title of this blog could be completed with “…would humble themselves and pray” (2 Chronicles 7:14). Today is the National Day Of Prayer and all across our country people are taking time out of their day to pray. The activities are varied. They will be in parks, courthouses, schools, work, capitals, homes, and in the quiet places. It isn’t the mode in which we pray, the place that we kneel, or even the length, but rather that we pray.
The promise that God gave Solomon was during the dedication of the Temple. It was a declaration of God’s love and mercy. God knew that even in the midst of the great blessings He was about to pour out the Israelites would fall into sin. He wanted them to know that there was a way back home. The way wasn’t through strength but contrition. It wasn’t in the sacrifices but a heart broken.
We live in one of the most self-absorbed, arrogant, and prideful nations that ever existed, and I am not talking about those outside the church. Those who call themselves believers in Jesus have been judgmental, sexually indulgent, martially unfaithful, lovers of money, and rebellious. Sure the government has taken the bible and prayer out of the classrooms, sure the homosexual movement has imposed its moral values, sure economic liberals would like spend us into oblivion, sure atheists grind at the truth at every turn, but the call of God for prayer wasn’t for them.
Today is a good day to pray for our country, our lawmakers, and our president. We need to ask that God would give them the insight into the revelation and knowledge of His will that they might know the truth and be set free. We need to pray that they would be moved by God to extend the freedoms of faith that have been the foundations of this country. We need to pray that they will be moved to chose and make righteous decisions.
Most of all we need to pray for ourselves in the quiet closet, and before a merciful God. We need to examine our hearts and repent from our sin. We need to ask the Spirit to rekindle the faith that once burned hot in our hearts. We need to open our hands and allow them to be filled with the blessing and will of God. We need to pray because we are His people, called by His name, and it is our wickedness for which to repent and turn.
The United States is not “God’s Country”. If it were, Jesus said, we would rise up with arms to defend our cause. No our country is far off and we wait for our King to come and take us home. The long history of blessing was residual due to the faithful obedience of God’s people. If we are to restore God’s blessing in our city, county, state, and country we need to begin with our hearts being changed. We need to humble ourselves and recommit to our call in Christ.
So, wherever you are today, take some time and pay. Then tomorrow pray again, and the next day, and the next. I’m just saying……
The promise that God gave Solomon was during the dedication of the Temple. It was a declaration of God’s love and mercy. God knew that even in the midst of the great blessings He was about to pour out the Israelites would fall into sin. He wanted them to know that there was a way back home. The way wasn’t through strength but contrition. It wasn’t in the sacrifices but a heart broken.
We live in one of the most self-absorbed, arrogant, and prideful nations that ever existed, and I am not talking about those outside the church. Those who call themselves believers in Jesus have been judgmental, sexually indulgent, martially unfaithful, lovers of money, and rebellious. Sure the government has taken the bible and prayer out of the classrooms, sure the homosexual movement has imposed its moral values, sure economic liberals would like spend us into oblivion, sure atheists grind at the truth at every turn, but the call of God for prayer wasn’t for them.
Today is a good day to pray for our country, our lawmakers, and our president. We need to ask that God would give them the insight into the revelation and knowledge of His will that they might know the truth and be set free. We need to pray that they would be moved by God to extend the freedoms of faith that have been the foundations of this country. We need to pray that they will be moved to chose and make righteous decisions.
Most of all we need to pray for ourselves in the quiet closet, and before a merciful God. We need to examine our hearts and repent from our sin. We need to ask the Spirit to rekindle the faith that once burned hot in our hearts. We need to open our hands and allow them to be filled with the blessing and will of God. We need to pray because we are His people, called by His name, and it is our wickedness for which to repent and turn.
The United States is not “God’s Country”. If it were, Jesus said, we would rise up with arms to defend our cause. No our country is far off and we wait for our King to come and take us home. The long history of blessing was residual due to the faithful obedience of God’s people. If we are to restore God’s blessing in our city, county, state, and country we need to begin with our hearts being changed. We need to humble ourselves and recommit to our call in Christ.
So, wherever you are today, take some time and pay. Then tomorrow pray again, and the next day, and the next. I’m just saying……
Monday, May 2, 2011
Ben Laden Killed -- United States Rejoices
Make no mistake the death of Osama Ben Laden is a victory for the United States in its war on terrorism. The atrocities that Ben Laden perpetrated against the people of the United States and the collateral deaths of people from other nations is deserving of capture and death. From one end of the country to the other the national anthem is being sung, flags are waving, and people are shouting in the streets. So why do I feel hollow?
I remember where I was when the twin towers fell. I was in the church office in Manitowoc, WI. We watched with horror and almost disbelief as planes flew into the Twin Towers and people fell to their deaths. The stunned silence swelled to anger as we heard the reports of the other planes and more deaths. We stood in solidarity with the President and his call to bring those responsible to justice. Few questioned the wisdom of going to war and ferreting out the cowards who hid in caves and exploded innocent people to further their cause.
I remember standing with a group of men who cheered the first bombs that fell on Baghdad and the call for the lives of those who oppress the weak. I remember the friends who went to war and came back and returned because they believed in the rightness of their mission. I remember the resolve of the nation wane as the American body count rose and the years passed by. I remember when Saddam Hussein was captured and hung and no one mourned his loss. I remember how hard it is to recall why we went to war in the first place and hoped for the return of our soldiers. I remember the words of a friend last night who said, "My heart is sad for the soul of Ben Laden."
As I reflect on this I am well aware that God brings the wicked to justice, but I also know the deep love and compassion of God's heart when He says, "Do I have any pleasure in the death of the wicked" declares the Lord, "Rather that he should turn from his sin and live." Ez 18:23
Is it wrong to celebrate a victory? On one level no, but let us never take pleasure in the death of the wicked. Instead let us redouble our efforts to bring the good news. It is in the truth of the gospel where people will be turned from darkness. It is through the blood of Christ that wicked men are changed. It is better that they turn from their sin and live. I am just saying.....
I remember where I was when the twin towers fell. I was in the church office in Manitowoc, WI. We watched with horror and almost disbelief as planes flew into the Twin Towers and people fell to their deaths. The stunned silence swelled to anger as we heard the reports of the other planes and more deaths. We stood in solidarity with the President and his call to bring those responsible to justice. Few questioned the wisdom of going to war and ferreting out the cowards who hid in caves and exploded innocent people to further their cause.
I remember standing with a group of men who cheered the first bombs that fell on Baghdad and the call for the lives of those who oppress the weak. I remember the friends who went to war and came back and returned because they believed in the rightness of their mission. I remember the resolve of the nation wane as the American body count rose and the years passed by. I remember when Saddam Hussein was captured and hung and no one mourned his loss. I remember how hard it is to recall why we went to war in the first place and hoped for the return of our soldiers. I remember the words of a friend last night who said, "My heart is sad for the soul of Ben Laden."
As I reflect on this I am well aware that God brings the wicked to justice, but I also know the deep love and compassion of God's heart when He says, "Do I have any pleasure in the death of the wicked" declares the Lord, "Rather that he should turn from his sin and live." Ez 18:23
Is it wrong to celebrate a victory? On one level no, but let us never take pleasure in the death of the wicked. Instead let us redouble our efforts to bring the good news. It is in the truth of the gospel where people will be turned from darkness. It is through the blood of Christ that wicked men are changed. It is better that they turn from their sin and live. I am just saying.....
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