Saturday, September 6, 2014

Practical Ways To Help The Persecuted Christians Under ISIS

"I have three ‘P’s that I always mention which is for protection, provision and perseverance. We need protection, we need to provide for those people and we need to keep going.” - Andrew White, Anglican Vicar in Baghdad

To All Who Love The Lord,

Many have seen the heartbreak across Syria and Iraq over the last few months as Christians are caught between the political forces of revolution and counter-revolution.  In particular, ISIS has been intentionally targeting Christians.  Ranging from discrimination to outright murder, many believers have been driven from their homes.  Some have created refugee camps in Syria and Iraq, others have fled to Jordan and Lebanon. 

Like many of you, I wonder - what can I do?  Here are two possibilities:  help provide for the physical needs, and pray for them.  

Dreams Alive, (  501 c(3) ministry that works to provide for Christians across the Middle East, is working with churches in Amman, Jordan to help care for the persecuted church by caring for refugees who are pouring in, and by sending aid pastors working with refugees in Iraq and Syria.  Dreams Alive is run by our pastor here in Bahrain, Denny Barger.  Denny has been working with churches across the Middle East since the 1980's.  

Please consider making a donation to Dreams Alive.  All donations made before October 6th will go directly to churches who are assisting refugees.  That means if you give $50, $50 will go to the relief work being done in Jordan, Syria and Iraq.  Donations are tax deductible, and you will receive a receipt in January. 

How will refugees be provided for?  Churches are putting together a "welcome package", which would contain the following: 
  • Mattresses, pillows, and blankets
  • Gas cooker and pot
  • Fan 
  • Carpet 
  • 10 days worth of food
To provide for a family of four costs $320 for all of the above items.  Please considering sponsoring a family.  

Please consider having your small group or sunday school class collecting enough for a family, or asking your church to sponsor two or three families.  Just today, Denny told me that there were tens of thousands of refugees in camps, and the pastors who have traveled there are feeling overwhelmed. 

How can you give? 
  • To give online, with your debit/credit card, go to  
  • Send a check to the following address: 
    Dreams Alive
    PO Box 78
    West Creek, NJ 08092
In October, Alison and I and the kids will be traveling to Jordan, and we will spend some of our time visiting churches and refugees to hear their stories, see the work that is being done, and encourage our brothers and sisters.  We will send out an email to share some of the stories that were shared with us. 

Even if you are not able to give, please join us in praying for believers suffering because of their faith.  Pray for: 
  • Protection - a prayer that is being answered as western countries step up their support of military operations against ISIS. 
  • Provision - that the people, whether they are in Syria and Iraq, or whether they have fled somewhere else, will have their needs provided for. 
  • Perseverance - Jesus says "Blessed are the persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Matt 5:10).  Pray that our brothers and sisters would know, in their hearts, God's love even in the midst of these trials.  Pray also that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit to show love to their enemies. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to let us know. 


Josh & Alison

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