Thursday, June 13, 2013

Why I Love The Church: Conclusion

A friend of mine asked if I was going to write as many “Why I Love” as I did “Why I Hate” blogs.  It is much easier to find fault with the church, or with anything for that matter.  Optimists see the glass half full and the pessimist half empty.  Me, I am an optimistic pessimist.  I am positive things will go wrong.  The Apostle Paul said, “In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” 1 Thessalonians 5:18.  The essence of giving thanks is seeing the glass half full, it is seeing the hope that we have in Christ and looking past the deficiencies that make up the church. Peter said, “Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins” 1Pet. 4:8.  A barometer for church health is our thankful heart toward God in all situations, and our love for one another as we work through the painful issues of relationships.

The reason it is easy to hate the church is because there is nothing good about her except that which Christ has done to redeem her and conform her to His image.  I need to step out from behind the curtain of the term ‘Church.’  I am the church, if you are a believer you are the church, the church is made of us.  I hate me because of all the reasons I have written about.  I love us because of what Christ is doing in and through us as He conforms us to His character and will.  

I love to sit on my porch, but this wet spring produced a harvest of gnats.  They swarm, buzz, and annoy me so much that I was driven back inside.  I can focus on the gnats and allow them to determine my behavior and maybe never go out on the porch again.  Or I can realize that they are for a season and a time will come when I will sit and enjoy my front yard once more.  The choice is mine not the gnats’. 
It is the same in the church.  People annoy me and I annoy people.  I can chose to allow their treatment of me to determine my behavior but that only confines me, or I can chose to allow love to cover their sin against me and treat them with the graciousness God has shown me.  I am not very good at it, but I want to be.  I struggle with the same things I hate, but I won’t let that define who I am in Christ. 

The Church, though it has caused me pain, has ministered to my family over the years.  It has fixed my car, bought a new furnace, brought meals when my wife was pregnant, prayed with me during times of loss, confronted me when I wondered, challenged me to think beyond myself, celebrated my doctorate with me, sang me happy birthday, and the list could go on.  It is good to reflect on the pain that others cause because denying its existence is destructive.  But after a time of reflection we must move beyond the pain and find the good that God is doing and embrace His will in love.  If we can’t find the heart to love and forgive the pain, then we will miss out on the joy of God’s family.

Every time I am at a wedding and hear the bride and groom commit to a life long journey of love until death parts them I am saddened.  With a 50% divorce rate in the church the words seem to ring hollow.  The power of the words lies in the character of the couple.  When a person tells me he is committed to the church I am weary because too often the words are empty.  Like my marriage I am committed to the bride of Christ until He calls me home.  There will be heartache, fighting, love, and forgiveness along the way, but in the end it is about family.  Here’s to the journey!  I’m just saying…          

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