Thursday, May 23, 2013

Why I Hate Church: Part Seven

 Seminary served its purpose.  I didn’t learn knew theology or bible, my experience in Bible College was sufficient for those disciplines.  What I learned was how to formulate a strategy of ministry and a philosophical framework that would give me direction and credibility.  However, since in those days there were no degrees in youth ministry I focused on Christian School Administration.  I rationalized that if I were an administrator in a Christian school I would have a greater impact on teens.  In fact, I was being groomed to take over a privately owned Christian school.  It ended abruptly.  I was fired for my lack of administrative skills.  I had the knowledge but not the experience.

     With the wise council of a friend I returned to what God had called me to, youth ministry.  The application process led me to a church in Manitowoc, Wisconsin.  They loved my little book, “Philosophy of Youth Ministry.”  My education had paid off; the white-collar leaders saw me as a professional.  In fact one of the first things the Senior Pastor told me was, “Paul you are a professional and I will treat you as one.”  In other words do your job well and I will leave you alone. 

     It was the golden age of ministry.  I structured an affective youth evening with the right amount of games, singing and instruction.  I began a ministry team of youth who memorized scripture, led small groups, and reached out to their friends.  I spoke to the questions that had plagued me so many years ago, and challenged teens to a deeper walk with Christ.  I was on the denomination’s youth council board and helped organize regional growth events and missions trips.  I spoke at retreats and taught seminars to other churches.  Yes, there were conflicts but I met them head on as a confident professional and consummate Youth Pastor.  Years later an Elder looked back and praised my ministry because so many had graduated and gone into the ministry themselves. 

     I wanted bigger and better.  Then one day a friend of mine (Youth Pastor of a large church and National Speaker) said, “I envy youth pastor’s in smaller churches.  I can draw in the large crowds, but they get to really disciple them.”  Stepping back I looked at what my hands had achieved and I felt empty.  It wasn’t that God wasn’t in what I was doing or achieving what His will desired.  It wasn’t that students hadn’t learned or walked more faithfully with Christ.  I had fallen prey to the cultural lie of a spiritual assembly line, pumping out disciples of Jesus who were good enough, but lacked the depth that would hold them through the fires of life.  The statistics say that 50% of teens walk away from the faith by the time they are out of college. 

The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 2Tim. 2:2

     I am not saying that big churches are bad, but I would rather produce quality and not quantity, because in the end pouring my life into a few will pay bigger dividends.  That is what Jesus did.  The second reason I hate church is because its production mindset puts quantity above quality; numbers above people.  I hate it because in the end the ones it hurts the most are the ones who perpetuate its lie.  I’m just saying… (Continued).  

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