Thursday, October 6, 2011

Solid Rock

When we first moved to Houston, in 2005, we were greeted with a hurricane.  With 3 million other people we fled the city.   The storm downgraded and the destruction was less then expected.  It created a resolve, however, that if another hurricane came, they would stick it out.  We were one of those people.  If the next hurricane was less then a level four, we were staying put.
Another hurricane came and strengthened only to a level three, and we bunkered in for what turned out to be a very long night.  Rebecca had us all safely barricaded in the downstairs hallway.  We were away from most windows, under multiple supports, and huddled together.  As the winds picked up we could see debris begin to fly.  The sky was an eerie color and the electoral boxes on the outside poles were buzzing, popping, and sparking, all together creating and ominous atmosphere. 
Mysti, my poor dog, paced and panted making it hard for everyone to sleep.  So, I sacrificed myself and took here upstairs, where I slept in the bed while she paced the floor.  The rest of the family restlessly slept downstairs.
The wind beat against the house, the trees beat against the roof, and occasionally lawn furniture would fly by.  Then it all stopped.  It was the eye of the storm.  It was ghostly and unnerving.  You knew the storm wasn’t over by you felt relief.  But then it picked up and again the wind assailed against the house, but from a different direction.  The wind had shifted.  It was as if it were trying a new tactic to get into the house.
Eventually morning came, and though electricity was out, there was little damage to our house.  We had weathered the storm, I thought, as I drowsily walked down the stairs. 
Jesus said that when the winds come, if we have not built our lives on a rock, a sure foundation, the house would fall.  First, Jesus doesn’t diminish the fact that the winds will come.  Conflicts between people, marriages with difficulties, rebellious children, wars, murders, greed, hatred, and immorality will beat against the house of God.  Then, when we least expect it, the wind will shift, come from a different direction, try to find our weakness and bring us to our knees.  Secondly, Jesus expects hope for people.  If our foundations are good the storms are temporary problems.  The damage will be different for each of us, but in the end the house will not fall. 
The only strong foundation is Christ.  Jesus said that if we bring our anxieties to him, cast them at his feet, that he will give us peace, hope, and a future.  The winds will still come, but the house will remain.  I’m just saying…..

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