Thursday, October 27, 2011

I Am Offended: The Anatomy of Offense

During the last two presidential debates I was amazed when candidates started throwing out the phrase, “I am offended.” Governor Perry said, “If you’re saying that I can be bought for $5,000, I’m offended.” To which Mrs. Bachmann replied, “I’m offended for the all the little girls.”  She was referring to a mandated vaccine in Texas.  A prominent socialist said of Mr. Cain, “I am offended on behalf of all the veterans of the Vietnam War who joined, Mr. Cain.”  This was reaction to Mr. Cain’s offense at taking his book out of context.  Richard Dawkins, a prominent atheist, is offended by the notion of god and how religious people ignore “real” science. Christians are offended by Richard Dawkins.

It seems to me that we are the most offended people in the history of the world.  If you Google the phrase “I am offended” you will get 38,100,000 hits.  One hit was a blog entitled “I am offended because…” The blogger describes herself as “a frequently offended girl.”  I have heard the phrase “That offended me,” or “I am offended by” more this year than I can ever recall in the history of my ministry.  I am sure that I have offended someone just by saying so.

All this offense has gotten me a thinkin.  What does it mean to be offended?  Is offended and offensive the same thing?  If I am offended is there a responsibility of the offender to respond in a certain way?  Should I always make known my offended feelings?  How should I as the offender respond to an offense?  How should I as the offended respond?  Are there different levels or intensity of offense?  Are all offended feelings legitimate?  And the most important question, what does the bible have to say about offense, offenders, and our respective responses and responsibilities?

I have decided to take it upon myself to do some reading, research, and reflection on the issue of offense.  Over the next few blogs I am going to engage myself in a discussion on the biblical perspective of offense and the believer’s proper response.  So be forewarned.  If for some reason you approach me and say, “I am offended…” my mind will start to process a response, and I might get a glazed look on my face as I try and sort out the complexities of that simple statement.  I’m just saying…

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