If the harvest is plentiful, why is the church in America shrinking? Article after article prophesy the decline of American Christianity. Religion has lost the cultural wars and moral decay is running rampant. The American church is heading in the direction of Europe and will eventually be secularized. Are we heading toward the great apostasy? I can still her the singer song writer Amy Grant sing, "I will not forget your love for me, And yet my heart forever is wandering." The scripture is full of warnings about falling away, about getting your house in order, and about standing firm. They were written because the human heart constantly strays. This is the conflict in our souls. Job says eternity is written in our hearts. We yearn for deeper meaning and purpose, and when we find it in a relationship with Jesus we are overjoyed. Then are heart starts to wander. It is little things at first, but given time those little things can pull us back into the darkness. So what is the answer? It starts with five basic principles. "Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving" (2:6,7).
Receiving Christ: Our hope begins and ends here. Apart from a relationship with God through Christ there is no meaning and purpose in life. It is imperative that we don't water down the gospel for political or social expediency. We must teach and proclaim that salvation comes only through a profession of Jesus as Lord and a belief that God raised him from the dead. Faith in the sacrificial work of Jesus alone brings about salvation. We can not earn it, borrow it, inherit it, or buy it. It is through faith alone.
Rooted in Him: I cut down a tree in my backyard one day. That was the easy part. I thought all I had to do was dig around the base a little and yank the trunk out of the ground. Every time I cut through a root there was always another one hiding. It was remarkable how one hidden root could keep me from pulling the trunk out. That is the way our faith should be. It's not about one rot, but a system of roots that hold us firm. These roots are the historical facts of our faith, the miracles, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It is the root of the bible, inspired and preserved by the Holy Spirit. They are the roots of the sacraments that continually remind us of our savior's work. They are roots of sound doctrine that have stood the test of time and hold to biblical scrutiny. They are the roots of the saints who are our witnesses to perseverance and faithfulness. We need to teach new believers about these things so that their roots will run deep and wide.
Built up in Him: we should always look to the past for the ancient paths are good. But we can't live in the past. Our faith is living and active. We are to build on the foundations of Christ and the Church. I was on a mission's trip to Mexico to help build churches. We laid foundations for rural churches. But the slabs we laid we meaningless if there were no walls, windows, and a roof. It were these things that allowed the people to come and worship. As teachers we continually teach disciples the scripture, it's truth, and how to live it out. I am constantly reminded that I need to make the bible message relevant, but this is a misunderstanding. The bible IS relevant. My job is to show people the way, and how it applies in to them in the context of today's culture. If we neglect the clear teaching of scripture and do not hold believers accountable to its precepts and principles, then they are merely slabs of cement that cannot be filled with the glory of God's praise. Another part of being built up is the body of Christ, the church. Our salvation is individual, but our sanctification is corporate. As believers we need one another for two reasons. First, so that we can be disciples, to be taught and rooted in our faith. Secondly, so that we can love others, find a place to use our gifts, and to reach the world for Jesus. Can we be a Christian and not go to Church? Can we be a car and never be driven? The answer is yes, but we are useless. That sounds harsh, but it is the truth. As believers we cannot be built up in our faith apart from the church. If we try we will eventually be a worthless slab.
Established in Faith: This is the result of being rooted and built up. Established means to be firm, rendered constant, and unwavering. There are times when doubt rolls through my consciousness. Pain and uncertainty can do that to you. If I were not rooted and built up then I would waver in my faith when the world seems more attractive and reasonable; when the lust of my flesh wants to carry me away; when the cares of the world want to choke the life out of me. I have friends who have gone through the unbearable pain of losing children. Some of the children lived tragic lives before they died. As sad as the children's deaths were, the pain of the parents is even more so. I can't even imagine. Those who were rooted and built up remained faithful and unwavering. I'm not saying it wasn't difficult, but in the end they were able to give their pain over to God. Sometimes it is a daily practice. When we come to the realization that God is the end of it all and we can finally rest in his sovereignty and grace, then we can have thankful hearts.
Abounding in Thanksgiving: Gratitude is the barometer of the Christian life. I know how well I am doing in my faith by how thankful I am. If I am whiny and complaining; if I am critical and disrespectful; if I am gossipy and bitter then I know my heart is wandering. Thanksgiving results in understanding the blessings of God in relationship to his promises. We become disgruntled with God because our expectations are out of whack. We get upset when God doesn't come through on our perception of a promise he didn't make. As American Christians we can act like pampered and spoiled children. If we don't get the perfect, joy filled, job we wonder why God has abandoned us. If the world is mean to us we question God's goodness. God's promise are deeper and richer. Jesus said that the world will hate us, but not to worry, he has overcome the world. We abound in thanksgiving when we understand that in Christ we have victory over sin and death, that our weapons are greater than Satan's, that love overpowers hate, that forgiveness is powerful, that this is not all there is to life, and that the all powerful God of the universe is sovereign and works in us to become more like his Son. We don't get here over night. That is why the church needs to intentionally disciple those who have received Christ. That is why those who have received Christ need to seek someone who will disciple them. We don't need to listen to the dire apocalyptic warnings about the Church. Jesus said the gates of hell cannot prevail over her. But it takes us working together to be rooted, built up, and established. I'm just saying.