Thursday, August 14, 2014

Grandpa, Grandpa

Grandpa, wake up, wake up!
Grandpa, read me a book.
Grandpa, wrestle with me.
Grandpa, tell me a story.
Grandpa, I'm hiding from mommy (under my desk)
Grandpa, can we go for a walk.
Grandpa, can you come on the plane with us?
Grandpa, I love you

I loved my children growing up and I spent 18+ plus years working to get them out of the house. Now I would do anything to have them come home and bring the grandchildren. Over the last few months my youngest was married, my middle son and his wife bought their first home, and my oldest and his family have visited with us for four weeks. I am proud of my children and their godly families.

My oldest son asked me last night what Rebecca and I will do tonight after they leave. Well, I can watch my TV shows, eat in the living room, not have to walk through an obsticle course of toys, not have to keep the dog out of the reach of the baby, not have to find the remote somewhere only a baby can find, not have to worry about coordinating schedules around nap time, listen to children cry, argue, screem, or lock themselves in the bedroom. In other words it will be quite dull.

The grandchildren have brought so much joy into our lives and we love having them around. We love their laughter and their innocence. We love taking them for walks, riding in the wagon, and peddling the big Wheel. We love watching them play in the pool and water park I made for them in the backyard. We love the interuption in our work schedule to hold the baby who pushed past the gate and triumphantly smiled at us. We love going to the park and pushing them on swings, climbing jungle gymns, and watching them make new friends quickly. We love reading books, telling stories in funny voices as stuffed animals talk to one another. We love their imagination as they play with their toys and imaginary friends. We love taking them out to eat, the play area at the mall, and having fun at Build a Bear. We love singing the prayer at dinner and listening to their parents teach them about Jesus.

Today they are packing their suitcases, will walk through security, board the plane and sore half way around the world to their home. Rebecca will cry, I will sniffle, but our hearts will be full of the love we have experienced with our family. We will cherish the memories and trust in the good providence of God to bring them back to us or us to them. I'm, sniffle sniffle, just saying...

Proverbs 17:6 "Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers."

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