Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Craving Something More

I am sure that at one time or another you have wondered, “There has to be more.”  I know I have. Over the past 75 years our culture has experimented with religiosity, universalism, materialism, atheism, self-indulgence, self-sacrifice, and doubt. We have tried it all and have found it wanting, empty, and unfulfilling. As I have thought about where we have been I have come to realize that we all crave something more.  The problem is that we are not sure what that something is, but we are sure that we will know it when we find it.

This is true no matter what our age. For those who are older the questions are old and stale; for you who are younger the questions are fresh; but old or new the cravings are deep and the desire to be fulfilled powerful. I believe that the cravings we so desperately want can be summed up by the following:

  • We crave relationships
  • We crave significance
  • We crave a spiritual experience

In my own journey to satisfy these craving I have been drawn again and again to the person of Jesus.  It is in Him that these cravings are truly satisfied.  It is a fuller understanding of Him, His life, His ministry, His power, and His provision that allows us to be satisfied.

It is the goal of this blog to chronicle the nature of this journey toward satisfaction.  It is my hope that through my reflection that you will reflect yourself on the nature of your cravings and how they can be truly and deeply satisfied.

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